Worked well on both my Desktop and Steam Deck with only minor caveats.
I played on both my Desktop and Steam Deck. On my Desktop I had to lower my monitors refresh rate down to 60 Hz to match the games framerate cap. If I kept my monitor at it's maximum refresh rate and relied on freesync the frame pacing would feel choppy.
I played with the games 60 fps cap on both Desktop and Steam Deck. Performance on my Desktop was perfect at 1440p max settings after setting my monitor down to 60 Hz. I ended up settling on the default settings for Steam Deck, which was medium without anti-aliasing at 720p. Some worlds at these settings on Steam Deck could drop slightly below 60 fps at times, but I didn't feel it was enough of a hinderance to reduce settings furthur.
The game does do the cardinal sin of including graphics configuration files in the steam cloud backup, so each time you go between systems you'll need to reconfigure the graphics settings for the current platform.
Also for reasons unbeknownst to me the game requires an internet connection, which was a problem the one time I tried to play the game on Deck away from any wifi networks.
Worked perfectly, if you have a modern system and a UVC webcam you are set.
No issues of any kind to report, it even picked up my Microsoft Lifecam Studio perfectly. Although I did end up playing it with obs virtual camera output instead, because I wanted fine grain control over how my webcam was framed to the game, and to be able to have manual focus rather than the webcams default autofocus. I only needed to recalibrate twice through my playthrough. I played it in the evening so I'm guessing lighting conditions changed over time.
Besides the intro video not functioning there wasn't any actual gameplay aspect that had issue. Ran great on it's ultra settings for me.
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The intro video did not play, it just displayed a test image in it's place. I don't know the term for the type of test it is, but to me it's reminiscent of an analog video broadcast. After a few seconds the menu came into view.
I played a few single races along with a prix. My Dualshock 4 worked and it performed well. I didn't test any multiplayer functionality though.
100% completion. Ran very well throughout. Only location I could even tell the framerate was getting a touch low in was the bar / restaurant area in chapter 4, which I suspect was from the number of light sources in that location.
Performs very well with the dx11 renderer, sans brief frametime blips during scene changes. Performance is overal very consistent.
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I didn't have any issues with the main games audio, but with the Wavelengths DLC the first song played during the intro cinematic for each day was very load and blown out compared to any other time music is played in the radio station / store. It was loud enough to be painful, I always had to quickly turn down my headphone amp each time it happened, then raise it back to normal afterwards. Initially I thought Steph was absolutly blasting some noise rock, but on one of the days the audio had subtitles for Steph's internal monologe that was completly inaudable over the song, so I don't think it's intentional. Any song played after the begning of a new day didn't have this problem.
There's a very large perfornace gap between the very high and cinematic presets. Very high is nearly double the perforance for very little loss in fidelity. Unless you have a lot of gpu headroom I'd stick with very high. I played at native 1440p very high and my framerate was typically in the ballpark of 80-110 fps.
Game ran fantasically on it's Ultra preset. Unlike a lot of older reports I didn't encounter any obvious stutter from shader compilation.
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When I started playing the game with the Proton 8.0 branch the stupid EA launcher the game comes bundled with was missing most of it's UI elements. Switching to experimental fixed the issue. I played the game in short spurts over a long period of time, a newer build of Proton 8.0 has likely fixed this issue.
I presume if your vulkan driver supports VK_EXT_graphics_pipeline_library you'll have a very consistent experiance with this game.
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Switching between fullscreen and windowed modes would often not realign UI elements with what was being displayed on the window surface, making it nearly impossible to change settings without killing the game and restarting.
Both Proton 9.0-4 and Experimental would have occasional bouts of oddly paced frames every ten rounds or so. It sort of feels like the frames are being displayed out of order for a few seconds creating a very jittery presentation.
Starting with kernel 6.12.13 amdgpu would get frequent ring timeouts with this game when running it with Proton Experimental. Switching to 9.0-4 would resolve this problem. The ring timeout issue with Experimental appears to be resolved with kernel 6.12.15, although Experimental updated on the same day as that kernel version was available in my distribution, so I can't be entirely sure if it was the kernel or the Experimental update that fixed the problem.
Unlike the Native build, Psychonauts 2 runs great with Proton. Played at max settings all the way through the game to rank 102.
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The first time I found stray thoughts with the Thought Tunner the camera locked in place. I couldn't change direction with either my Dualshock 4 or mouse. Had to restart the game to have camera movement again. Subsequent uses of the Thought Tunner didn't have this problem.
As someone that backed Psychonauts 2 on Fig both because I'm a fan of Psychonauts and for the promise of a native linux version, I find the native build we recieved rather dissapointing. The Native build delivered is honestly unplayable with how eratically the frametime fluctuates and with it's lack of actual fullscreen windowing. I'm pretty sad about the state of what will likely be the last native linux build for a Tim Schafer game. Don't bother with the Native build, just play the Windows version with Proton. The game itself is excelent and deservers your time.
The reason I'm using experimental rather than the stable branch (at time of writing 7.0-4) is because the start menu is wierdly laggy on stable, where as it works just as well as anything else in the game on experimental.
amdgpu had a ring timeout at a seemingly random point in the game, which it recovered from after a few seconds.
I finished the game and started challenge mode to 100% the achievements. Performance was excellent the whole way thru.
Sea of Thieves has been my favorite multiplayer game to play with proton over the past year.
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At this point all aspects of the game work, and it performs really well.
I started playing sea of thieves with proton a year ago, back then it was playable but significant functionality in the game was broken. At this point everything works and it's overall a great experience. I highly recommend it if you're looking for a multiplayer game that has both strong PvP and PvE elements.
The frame time consistency of this game noticeably benefits from ResizableBAR. If you have an AMD gpu I'd advise enabling your motherboards "Above 4G Decoding" pci-e option if available. If it also explicitly has a ResizeableBAR option you don't actually need to enable that one. Unlike Windows drivers amdgpu will actually perform the resize part of the acronym itself.
The game performs really well for me, on Rare preset it's almost always a constant 60 fps. The only exceptions being when I spawn on an outpost during a storm, or if I'm on a large island that has a lot of foliage, like Plunder Valley. Both of those scenarios rarely get down below 50 fps though. If I play on Common preset it is a locked 60 fps, however I much prefer how the game looks with Rare preset.
It's been the best multiplayer experiance I've had in years, regardless of platform. One of the best online games to play with Proton IMO.
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Crashed twice during the captaincy tutorial. Likely only applies to the first ship you captain. Once I got past the tutorial after reconnecting to the session twice the game worked as expected. I'm not sure if this issue is actually proton related, however I haven't seen any windows users on reddit report on crashes occuring while Ramsey is giving you the low-down on captaincy, so I figured I would submit a new report here.
It's honestly been more consistent with Proton than when I first started playing the game with Windows 10. Connectivity issues with proton have been really rare, where as I'd typically get at least one really noticable desync a session on Windows, sometimes to the point of having to reload the session.
Besides the very localized crashing issue everything from my previous report several months back still stands.
There can be a momentary hitch right when mini games start, but in no way does it impact your ability to play them.
I'm really impressed with how well Skyrim SE can run on deck. Out of the box it's a bit choppy, but a little configuration goes a long way.
I've been playing the game on High Preset with the screen refreshrate set to 40 Hz. This provides very consistent frametimes throughout and nets around three hours of playtime on battery.
Use of the touchscreen is needed to interact with the games launcher. The launcher is used for graphics configuration as well as launching the game.
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In locations with large bodies of water frametimes could be a bit erratic on the Ultra preset. Dropping down to High preset in these areas would resolve the frametime issues. Doing this switched reflections on the water from Lumen reflections to screen space reflections. I think the frame time issues were simply from Lumen being performed on very large surfaces. The most notable areas for this were East 1 - Grasslands, and South 2 - Verdant Canyon.
I had a single crash during one puzzle. When restarting the game and trying again the crash didn't occur.
Did everything I could in a single playthru of the base game. Mostly played on Ultra preset with Quality XeSS on a 1440p display, however on maps with large bodies of water I would drop down to high preset to improve frametimes. Overall the game ran well enough and I had a good time with it.