The game worked fine with Proton and I finished it without a crash.
The game has a native Linux version on But this version crashed in the middle of the game. Since there is a game that should be played in one session that was frustrating.
I beat the game and in around 75 hours and I had not one crash.
I had to turn off the motherboard sound before I run the game otherwise the game wouldn't run. After the game is past the sony intro I can turn on the sound again. The sound worked with my usb audiodevices without turning them off.
I tried different Proton and ProtonGE versions but i got only a black screen.
Proton-6.16-GE-1 GloriousEggroll
The game works very well, 18 hours without a crash. I had some stutters here and there but nothing serious. I guess this was more the lack of optimizations of the game itself.
I played through the Leon and Claire campaign (around 23 hours) without one crash.
Proton-6.14-GE-1 GloriousEggroll
The game has some issues by playing it in a window. It switched back from window mode to full screen after loading of an new area. In full screen I couldn't alt-tab to the desktop.
I tried it with the latest ProtonGE6-16 and Proton6.3-6, but the game crash on the same point as mentioned.
I can acknowledge that the game crash when I trying to join Fiona, Vaugn, and Sasha.
ProtonGE-7.1-GE-2 GloriousEggroll
In window mode it was impossible to use the mouse to navigate through the menu. It only worked with the keyboard.
There is a video to watch and it worked with ProtonGE. The normal Proton shows only a grey screen.
Runs out of the box.
There are slightly performance issues but I guess this is the fault of the game engine.
In window mode the screen changed back to the native screen size after I went back to the settings menu