The game is playable and it even ran smother on Linux than on windows, the issue is there is a lot of flickering
There a lot of shadow flickering, I am guessing it has to do with global ilumination.
So I dont know if there is a way to fix the flickering ..maybe a GE Proton version. but if there is a way to fix it ..it would run solid . FYI This issue only happens when you are inside of buildings.
Anti cheat kicks you while match making
Game installs and starts just fine, allows you to get into option and set them but as soon as you start match making it give you an Anti cheat verification error.
It would Start great and as you play it would start to stutter
I wish all other games ran this well ...ran out of the box with no issues what so ever, even played with other Windows users.
The only thing I would say is I couldn't get the FPS uncap (probably just me not know how to do it in Linux), ran at 60FPS
Starts Okay but dips and the more you play it the more frequent would dip
It would start OK but it will dip and the more you play it the more it would dip .
Switch to an older proton 7.0-6 was the one and this allowes you to agree to game terms (if this is not done the game will crash after you pick the server and try to join server) other than this game has been running with no issues at the moment.
Game launches but gets stuck on the logging in window
game fires up loads the main orange logo screen and it just stay with the logging in animation on the bottom. I dont know if it me or the game its self but it dosent connect.
As another poster posted here,
Install the latest version of wine and winetricks
Inѕtаll DХVК (run on terminal "winetricks dxvk")
Install d3dcompiler 47 ( run on terminal "wineticks d3dcompiler_47")
Lastly add your wineprefix (run on terminal "WINEPREFIX=/home/YOUR_USERNAME/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/495420/pfx/ winetricks d3dcompiler_47")
Graphics seemed a bit washed out, not as colorful as windows version.
Campaign worked fine if you disable the Multiplayer options in the in game settings, other than that is enable game would crash after a few seconds.
Game launches, signs in and I get a main menu windows. but the it freezes after picking community.
I have tried the winetricks work around but it still freezes it looks like it will try to launch and the it freezes and eventually crashes.
This is how all games should work on Linux
From installing to playing this game the experience was buttery smooth no issues just a smooth process from install to the end. Fantastic !!