Steam version no problems, just picked Proton Experimental, no bugs, no glitches, smooth gameplay, fully stable, but ofcourse don't expect Xbox Live Options or login ;)
Switched to Proton Experimental
After install by Heroic Launcher and clicking PLAY nothing happened, then switched from Proton 9 to Experimental and instantly works, no issues, stable.
GOG version, used Lutris install script, default Wine-GE-8-26, runs without any issues, stable, fps very good.
Install through Lutris
No problems, flawless gameplay
Runs out of the box, Epic Store version, installed by Heroic Launcher, 100 % stable, no problems or glitches.
No additional configuration needed, runs smoothly 1080p 60 fps ultra with no drops on ARC A770, better expirience than on win11
Just use window mode with your resolution and hide menu bar from linux for better expirience
gamescope -W 1920 -H 1080
used command to force 1080p window mode and hided my menu bar
On proton 9 sound okay but graphical glitches, on 5.13 graphics perfet, game stable but no sound at all.
Game works, but on newer Protons (8/9) annoying glitches with blinking textures, on 5.13 no sound but totaly playable and graphics 100 % okay.
Just installed by Lutris GOG Script
Lutris GOG install script, runs out of the box, stable with no crashes
Runs Out Of The Box
Just downloaded, installed, clicked play, works, ultra/max settings, stable, no issues
Stable 100 fps and 50-70 ping, same as on Windows, no glitches, no fps drops, 50h + on Linux with no problems
No problems at all, installed and played just like on Windows
Steam version, just installed, and that's all, no additional actions. Flawless gameplay.
Download, install, click PLAY :)