Rename the movies folder and copy the ucrtbase.dll as explained by this user: https://www.protondb.com/users/793747973
Unfortunately, the multiplayer don't work as expected, crases, desync, or doesn't launch at all
The game runs, although very slow
Very slow
Even on Windows the is slow, but here on 1080p low settings with 75% scale running on ~30fps is not enjoyable, if any setting were changed the game would run with less than 30 fps all the time
Game kicks you out after 20 seconds
little under 60 fps, maybe because shader caching
Not Very Optimized
EAC kicks you out of the game after 1 minute
steamapps/compatdata/231430/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/My Documents/my games/company of heroes 2/configuration_system.lua
Limit the number of voices to 16.
setting = "soundvoices", value = 16,
Low fps, but on Windows it's almost the same
It may stutter at the begining for 30 seconds to 2 minutes max, just use Proton Experimental to get rid of the stutters (it will stutters a little at the menu on start every time)
Ubisoft connect will ask for password every time the game is launched, and upon closing the game, the launcher won't close on it's own, apart from this it's a flawless experience
Game was shutdown on December 2017, even if you could launch it and get to the menu, you won't be able to play it
Using Proton Experimental made some textures and shadows to corrupt and appear as black boxes, with Proton GE this didn't occur
Using Proton Experimental made some textures and shadows to corrupt and appear as black boxes
Use Proton GE
Using a Fsync kernel and installing the media foundation will all you need to play the game smoothly
Download mf-install from here: https://github.com/z0z0z/mf-install
Use this command: WINEPREFIX="/home/username/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/606880/pfx/" PROTON="/home/username/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/Proton 5.13/" ./mf-install.sh -proton
Replace "/home/username/.steam/steam/steamapps/" to where you installed the game
Select window mode on options to be able to alt-tab
Withou a Fsync kernel the frametime and fps are all over the place and the game can't hold 60 fps even on lowest settings
Use a Fsync compatible kernel or the gameplay will be a mess
protontricks 244160 -q --force dotnet40 win7
Launcher will be invisible, click on mods or settings button for it to behave normaly
On game launch press ESC to skip the initial video and stop sound loop
Problems solved with the last Proton version (6.3-6)
Mods don't appear on launcher (in my case at least), but the game is very much playable, with no tweaks required anymore
It ran exactly like it is on Windows, tested with Proton 6.3-6
Just choose Proton 6.3, install the game and play
Videos doesn't play, other than that, the game works just fine
GloriousEggroll Proton-6.8-GE-1 GloriousEggroll
Just use GloriousEggroll Proton-6.8-GE-1 and the game will start I also put the D3DCompiler_47.dll on "~/steamapps/common/MXGP 2019 - The Official Motocross Videogame/mxgp5/Binaries/Win64/" don't know if this helped too, do both just to be sure, i used the version 10.0.15063.0 64bit of the dll
The game only let you alt-tab when you select windowed mode from the options, same as on Windows
The game will stutter and locks up for for 1-2 seconds sometimes because of shader compilation each time you enter a new race, after that it's smooth
First download Origin from the website (might need to do this on a Windows machine or your phone) then open the game and let it try to install origin, when it fails go to “~/steamapps/compatdata”, open the terminal in that folder and type “protontricks 1262560 --gui”, when the winetricks window open select “default wineprefix” press ok, then select “run uninstaller” and press ok, when the window open select “install” and search for your “OriginThinSetup.exe” that you downloaded previously and install it, after this login on your Origin account, then go to settings and disable “Origin in-game”, after this close everything and run the game, should start with no problems, also don't alt-tab or the game wont be in fullscreen anymore until you restart the game
Don't alt-tab or will need to restart the game to go fullscreen again
Runs exactly like on Windows, used Proton 6.3
Installing mods is possible after some tweaking, a little bit more difficult, but possible
Works out of the box Proton 6.3-8
if you can't connect to the multiplayer use this command: protontricks 275850 win7
Doesn't work, can't see the videos, don't have a menu background, starting a match or changing the video settings crashes the game
EAC doesn't let you play, it kicks you out of the matches
Just install and play
Runs very smooth, no problems or stutterings, some minor text issues but all completely readable, no tweaking required
protontricks 895870 d3dcompiler_47
It seems that proton doesn't synchronize with Windows
Any version of Proton that's not 5.0 would just behave strangely
Disable Tesselation
Sometimes the display would not show correctly on the display or would show on my second display, but this maybe was something specific on my end
The game only launches with Proton 3.7-8, any other version will just crash
Use only Proton 3.7-8
Games for windows live, physx
Here i made a install video for those who found easy with a video than with text explanations: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=etA5CndKTy4
Also, don't forget to grabe the xlive.dll from PCGamingWiki and put it on the game folder: https://community.pcgamingwiki.com/files/file/2248-virtua-tennis-4-xliveless/
If this one doesn't work, try the one from Resident Evil 5 or F1 2011: https://www.pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/Resident_Evil_5 https://www.pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/F1_2011