The game runs smooth with all assets loaded, and I can run with all graphics settings maxed.
Intro movie crackles, but it is fixed once you reach the photosensitivity warning.
New assets/mob loading can lead to a pause upon entering rooms. This is usually fixed on future runs once it is loaded in.
First load may crash on the photosensitivity warning. I've also experienced this rarely on subsequent starts, but alt-tab/moving off of the usually fixes it.
Occasionally on game launch, the mouse is treated as the right stick and moves extremely slowly. This usually fixes itself within 5 minutes of in-game time and does not occur for the rest of the session. My DualSense controller was not detected when plugged in partway through, but my XBox 360 and Nintendo Switch Pro controllers were andwork perfectly.
The Look Sensitivity in-game is for both the mouse and RS on controllers. Make sure it's adjusted accordingly if you switch between.
The patch that came with V Extension 5 fixed framerate and stability on Linux, even without GE
Proton versions matter. Any version 7 and latest 8 works, but the versions between can trip XIGNCODE3.
If needed, you can run the -force-d3d12 arg for a bit more stability.
Until they add a WINE compatible version of EAC, wait and see if custom servers are possible.
Hiccups and microstudders (known by the devs)
Game may not fully close when you press exit.
(Unverified) The game might have worked during the alpha. Currently, the game kicks you during the planning phase (results in the game closing).
Certain rooms starting with Level 3 can drop the framerate from 150 to ~40. This also happens in Windows.
The initial launch takes minutes for the game to go from "Launching" to "Running." This happens on WIndows as well.
Proton-5.11-GE-2-MF GloriousEggroll
Movies require mfplat
(Demo) Very limited display settings, AA off and Shadows Medium for stable 60 FPS
Proton-5.5-GE-1 GloriousEggroll
protontricks 261550 dotnet472
Cities may contain incorrect ground artifacts or missing textures. Shading occasionally flickers.
Mouse buttons may not be detected on the first cold run. Alt+F4, then relaunch usually fixes it.
Crashes can occur when going from the overworld to combat. Save often.
.NET 4.7.2 might not be needed, but it is best to update it. As of the time of writing this, the GE build of Proton 5.5 is mandatory at minimum, until Valve ships their own version. If you do want to play early, SAVE OFTEN. Crashing is infrequent, but tends to occur at the most inopportune time.
Game runs fine overall, but on the game's release, there are significant bugs that make the game unenjoyable.
Changing the resolution locks out any menu interactions
The game is/was free for the first 24 hours, it was picked up purely because my friend group likes playing multiplayer jank.