Plz! Don't hurt me...
I see only a window flashing, have to kill the process manually
With every flash of the window the argument '-eac-nop-loaded' is appended to the Gears.exe command-line.
mangohud %command% --use-d3d11
After some time the game got slower and slower
Using the latest proton-ge and setting DXVK_ASYNC=1 and there were no more FPS drops or any stuttering.
/belaunch -be
Since I selected the vulkan version, I had to change the <GAMEDIR/BattlEye/BELaunch.ini>
to 64BitExe=GRB_vulkan.exe
and SilentInstall=0
Fullscreen always falls back to 1280x720, while Windowed mode can be almost fullscreen
I played the game before it came to steam, so I know the fullscreen not been working and the BattlEye tinker. But I hope Valve can solve these issues...
The current official Proton 6.3-7 is not working (crashes after starting), although earlier releases worked. Non the less, it runs perfectly with GloriousEggroll 6.18-GE-2. Even online play seems to be possible now. At leased I have connection to the Ubisoft servers now instead of these ribera-... error messages.
Works out-of-the-box with proton. Max-details and constant fps :)
Once I could not move a character, but after loading a save-game it worked again. Probably a game issue itself. Also on extraction characters jump back and forth on the map.