Tone down shadows and foliage, remove spectators and you should have 60FPS overall at all times.
Installed r18 patch
Game requires render res >= 1080p otherwise the lower portion of the screen will be cropped.
50 fps lock, 12W tdp
Some text appears blurry/pixelated
Minor adjustments to mouse sensitivity
Limit to 12W TDP for 60FPS almost always. FSR and even lower TDP might be an option but then text legibility could become a real issue.
Some text is on the limit of what is actually readable on a steamdeck. You might need to use the magnifier
Keep in mind this gamer doen't have steam cloud saves, I set up Syncthing for having a save backup and sharing with my other pcs.
Moved Left, Right and Middle mouse buttons to the A, B X buttons respectively, for ease of play during some minigames.
The game uses a very low internal resolution, try using FSR scaling with sharpness to 3 for a better image rather than Linear, or if you are fine with very sharp pixels (I mean, it's pixel art after all), use Nearest.
Don't forget to grab the r18 patch from the publisher website, you can install it with protontricks (desktop mode, download it and then just double click on it to try and open it, will ask you for what wineprefix to use, select the correct one).
Set TDP to 3W. It's enough to run it at 60FPS anyways. Enjoy long lasting battery life!
A prime example of how a game should work on a steamdeck. Flawless experience and very low battery consumption.
Drop down to 5W TDP for best performance / framerate ratio. Can probably go even lower.
Mouse only controls, you might want to customize your control scheme.
Max TDP: 8W
Random crackling after clicking on buttons that lead to a new level.
Everytime an asset is getting loaded for the first time, game wil hang for some seconds. This resets every time a new level is started aswell. Becomes annoying really quick.
Unless you don't have any other mean to play it, don't bother. Play it on windows.
Found a way to have it fully smooth without freezes
- Grab the wolf files decrypter at https://github.com/Sinflower/WolfDec
- Run all the *.wolf files in the data folder through it (might be faster to do that on windows or write yourself a bash script).
- You shoudl now have a folder for every .wolf file, containing all the game resources unpacked.
- Remove/rename all the original .wolf files otherwise the game will try and load from them
- Enjoy your smooth game.
If you don't want to go trought the hassle of decrypting the files... don't bother playing it, otherwise, the game is perfectly playable start to finish on steamdeck.
Some text in the stats in garage view is very small, still readable, but small
for the best results: disable VSync, keep everything at low, reflections and textures at medium, Upscaling at Quality, TSR as Anti alias.
Zero issues, game treats controller input as first class citizien so it plays really well out of the box.
Set TDP to 10W
The game, even on windows, requires extensive use of mouse and lacks shortcuts, so get accustomed to using your deck trackpad.