MANGOHUD_CONFIG="fps_limit=167,no_display,cpu_temp,cpu_mhz,gpu_power, gpu_core_clock,gpu_temp,gpu_junction_temp,gpu_fan,vram,ram" LD_PRELOAD="" mangohud %command%
[SystemSettings] r.BloomQuality=0
Fixes flickering lens flares on lampposts. Also gives you a decent performance uplift (around 8-10% on my GPU)
I get around 90-133 fps at 1440p. High settings, ultra textures and shading, global illumination set to medium.
In general I would say that CachyOS runs this game 15-20% faster than Windows. My CPU usage is cut in half, comparing W11 to CachyOS.
Overall I would say that the game is deserving of it's platinum status. Only a few small hiccups in frametime, when the game is loading something new (approx 1 small stutter every 5min or so, nothing big at all.)
Tunnels hit a bit hard, I get around 90-100 fps in those, with Lumen engaged.
I would advice against running ProtonGE for this title, it seems to cause even more stutters.
Migrate to CachyOS from Nobara imo.

This works out of the box with Proton Experimental. It is a fun game, at least right now in Early Access.
No Issues at all.

Works very good on Linux
No issues :)

The lens flares appeared corrupted on my Intel ARC A580 and ingame settings don't expose any fix for this. To remove them, I had to drop the below config lines into a file titled Engine.ini
in the directory: ~/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/2634950/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/AppData/Local/TokyoXtremeRacer/Saved/Config/Windows/
After running unix2dos
on the new file(just in case), the game should eat it(actually deleting the file) on your next boot. All lens flare will be gone. If you mess with the settings thereafter they may reappear. (I believe they're tied to post processing.)
(lens flare is broken and it cannot be disabled ingame. more details ↑ above ↑)
Upon first boot with my DS4 connected, the game would throw
Unhandled Exception: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION reading address 0x00000000000003a0
and refuse to boot. Opening the game without the controller connected fixed this issue. I was able to connect it afterwards and everything worked fine. It no longer does this even when the controller's connected on startup.
A Windows friend reported they had the same issue until they had uninstalled vjoy.
Besides these startup troubles, I haven't ran into any more concerning behavior from this game. I don't even think Proton Experimental is required, but it works now and I'm not changing it. I would wager much of this instability can be attributed to my relatively new Intel ARC A580.

Works out of the box so far, enjoyed playing it!!
Don't experience performance issues here, nor any graphic bugs/glitches. Controller works properly without further config. I'd say it's comparable experience as in Windows. Expect tiny bugs/imperfections as this game is in its early release. Might happened in Windows as well.

Turned off in-game fps cap, enabled Steam's at 45fps
Some text is quite small, only a few pixels. Contrast is decent, so your mileage may vary, but it's largely not critical.
Genki are being pretty conservative with the Deck's default settings. My tweaks are a little too much for a satisfying 60fps lock but perfect for 45fps, and gives you fancier and sharper graphics as a treat:
- FPS Setting: unlimited
- Draw Distance: Low
- Post Processing: Medium
- Shadows: Low
- Global Illumination: Medium (Highest without engaging Lumen)
- Reflections: High (This enables the lovely Lumen reflections)
- Effects: Medium
- Shading: Low
- Texture: High
- Upscaling Quality: Native
- Anti-Aliasing Mode: FXAA

I was using a BT controller and had to manually reorder the controllers in Steam so that it was number one, otherwise it would not respond. Easy fix though.

Runs perfectly

Runs great
Only some minor bugs here and there, likely also present on windows

Works perfectly out of the box
Reduce graphics settings to achieve 60 FPS and avoid slowing down the game.

Locked 45 With decent Graphics on LCD Steamdeck.
(Steam Game Settings:) (Switch to Proton Experimental) (Force game to 1280x800)
(Steam performance settings:) (Frame limit 45FPS(45 Hz) (Allow tearing - ON) (Manual GPU Clock - 1600MHz)
(Game Graphics Settings:) (Borderless full screen) (FPS - UNLIMITED) (V-Sync - OFF) (Draw distance - LOW) (Post processing - MEDIUM) (Shadows - LOW) (Global Illumination - LOW) (Reflections - MEDIUM) (Effects - MEDIUM) (Shading - LOW) (Texture - LOW) (Upscaling quality - CUSTOM) (Screen Ratio - 68) (Anti Aliasing Mode - TSR)

game-performance %command%

Runs perfectly OOTB!
Proton 9.0-4

Game works well by default. It defaults to all low settings with the Performance scaling preset (50% resolution scale) and TSR scaling.
The default 50% resolution scale and TSR was a bit soft for my liking, so I opted to set a manual scale of 75% instead. This does increase the power usage, and it is possible to see dips from 60fps with these settings, but the game looks much sharper and tends to stay above 50fps in my experience.

Some text in the stats in garage view is very small, still readable, but small
for the best results: disable VSync, keep everything at low, reflections and textures at medium, Upscaling at Quality, TSR as Anti alias.

It just works, surprising for an UE5 game.
Great game btw!

If he doesn't want the best graphics out of the world, yes. This game is fully playable on low graphic preset
I was able to play at 144 fps only with low graphics preset
Maybe it's possible to go over the low graphic preset, but i'm unable to do so.

No tinkering needed. Plays great with default settings on steam deck. No cloud save at the moment.
No cloud save at the moment

Runs surprisingly well on the Deck for an UE5 game. Though there's an unrelated frame-pacing issue.
The in-game frame-pacing is broken, or rather, linked to the in-game speed. Meaning the game needs to run at at least 60FPS for 100% of it's in-game speed. If it drops down to 30 for example, the game runs at only 50% of it's in-game speed. Basically slow-motion.
I didn't expect it to run this well, especially considering it's Early Access, but there's some issues that come with that.
It's obvious the developers are aiming for it to run on at least 60fps, and nothing less, what with their being no framerate cap for anything less than 60, or a motion blur option. So as a result, the frame-pacing in the game is fine-tuned to how many frames it can process. Meaning if it drops down to 30fps, it will run at only half speed in slow motion.
My advice is to keep the graphical settings intact, or at the very least keep the Shadows low. Set the scaling to 100%, and AA to FXAA. Will probably follow up with an update of my own some time soon. Needs more testing anyway because the graphics can only be configured from the garage and/or the main menu.
The game could theoretically get away with Medium/High settings if they fix the frame pacing, and or implement a 30fps cap (w/ motion blur).

Absolutely no issues whatsoever - Installed in Steam, clicked play, began playing!

The game works exactly as expected with great out of the box performance, comfortably around 60 FPS during gameplay.
Some text regarding detailed vehicle specs is a little small, which could make it harder to read.

Played for about an hour. Ran with default settings in steam. Didn't notice any issues with it at all.

It's very much playable, but 8th-gen era hardware is a no go for this one. It's still early access so optimizations may come soon.
I don't know if it happens on Windows, but sometimes lens flare sprites on lamp posts will disappear and reappear. I had to have a keen eye to notice it happen.
The game runs on UE5 and struggles to maintain 30fps on max settings with my hardware at 1440p. Still looks great on medium-high which is what I have configured to get a steady 60fps at 1440p.
Should work just fine on Proton Experimental or OOTB.
Needs c++ runtime, I just grabbed this reddit thread, first reply, and it just works
My steering wheel's FFB was inverted. There is no setting in game that allows to invert it, other than that everything else worked out of the box.

Worked flawlessly without tinkering on launch day
Crashed 1 time after 3 hours in
Only having one crash in 3 hours is probably just as good as a day-1 launch edition as anyone could expect regardless of OS and compatability layers.

Might be helpful to change the right touch pad for mouse input with mouse click for menu navigation
Works out of the box

pretty much the same as on windows, lots of people were reporting not hearing car sounds, which did not happen to me.

the game runs flawlessly on the system with no problems at all, just press play and that's it
as always used proton experimental just not to waste space keeping multiple protons but this is a clear platinum ranking...

As of today (23 january 2025, day of the release), the game runs well on one condition though : the only way to achieve locked 60 fps is to run it on the lowest settings, with upscaling enabled (performance mode) and TSR. With upscaling but without TSR the game is very aliased. Do note that with TSR on, the game could be somewhat blurry, and with ghosting.
Hope the game will be optimized because it should run much better.

The game is just release in early access. For now it's fine. With default "low" settings the game runs at 90FPS.
No option to scale text. In some windows the text is a little too small.