Chungus Amongus
some stutters
Same experience as many below. No esync otherwise low textures. There was some bad stutters, and reading the texture pool from ini seems to have helped with that. PROTON_NO_ESYNC=1 %command% -nointro -ReadTexturePoolFromIni
Can it run Crysis? Yes. Can it run Crysis on "Can it run Crysis" quality? No. Can it run Crysis on "Medium" quality? Mostly
vcrun2019 and d3dcompiler_43
sometimes ~1s stutter when entering new areas.
I am not seeing text messages. Is this just a bug with the game, though?
Just wanted to update that I am no longer having issues with stuttering after an update at some point. Everything is working perfectly as far as I can tell!!
Menu flickering in windowed/borderless mode
The performance was especially poor. Significant stutter to the point of rubber-banding a bit. It's especially bad when looking fast or moving. This was significantly mediated by disabling Vsync and mouse acceleration in the .ini
files in C:\Users\(account name)\Documents\My Games\Fallout 76
. Specifically you go about doing this respectively by changing to iPresentInterval=0
in Fallout76Prefs.ini
and making Fallout76Custom.ini
with the contents
bMouseAcceleration = 0
These changes were much more effective than lowering graphics settings. It's still barely playable, I'll be reverting to windows for the time being :(
As below you need to disable d3d11 PROTON_NO_D3D11=1 %command%
otherwise you will get a "UnityPlayer.dll caused an Access Violation (0xc0000005)
in module UnityPlayer.dll at 0023:1081da39." error. I used protontricks --gui, install a font, corefonts but that didn't seem to work at least on the language select screen.
Game starts and goes to main menu. There are some menu artifacts and game crashes after trying to load into "New Game"
I have done what I expected should work given the tools that has worked for the RE2 rework. I suppose the game just came out today, but I'll post this now in case it helps others in the future.
If you check this github, they say mf-installcab will work to prepare RE3 but only using Proton-5.4-GE-1
First install Proton-5.4-GE-1. Don't do this through the AUR. on download the tar file mkdir $USER/.steam/root/compatibilitytools.d extract the tar into this folder. You should now have $USER/.steam/root/compatibilitytools.d Restart steam. Use htop to kill it if you have to.
Make sure you have no existing wine prefix for the game. For the sake of simplicity i'm using this variable. STEAMDIR="$HOME/.local/share/Steam" #or wherever you install steam files. Notice it does not terminate in "/" cd $STEAMDIR/steamapps/compatdata/ rm 952060 #this is the store ID for RE3
Now in steam generate a new wine prefix using the new version of proton Right click on RE3, force the steamplay compatibility tool to use the new entry for Proton-5.4-GE-1
Now somewhere download mf-installcab git clone cd mf-installcab
In order to execute the script, we need to use environmental variables export PROTON="$HOME/.steam/root/compatibilitytools.d/Proton-5.4-GE-1" export WINEPREFIX="$STEAMDIR/steamapps/compatdata/952060/pfx"
python-installcab says we need to use winetricks to install mf, mf-installcab assumes you have done this? winetricks mf
Now execute the script export WINEPREFIX="$STEAMDIR/steamapps/compatdata/952060/pfx" ./ -proton #952060 is the store id for RE3
Finally obtain mfplat.dll and move to the application directory $STEAMDIR/steamapps/common/RE3/mfplat.dll
See my (Chungus Amongus) previous report and SHADOW LAG's report using proton to 5.0.6 RC. 5.6-GE-2 wasn't working for me the last time I checked. I am using: PROTON_USE_SECCOMP=1 PROTON_NO_ESYNC=1 RADV_PERFTEST=aco
I had just been disabling ESYNC before and was getting serious graphical glitches so make sure to try SECCOMP and the RADV_PERFTEST=aco things. Cutscenes seem to be working, but I haven't tried the specific ones people were having trouble with.
7.1-GE-2 GloriousEggroll
One room on the map made my framerate drop to 30, so I don't know what that was about
Working great with Proton-7.1-GE-2. Was using Proton Experimental a while ago and I was getting 10 fps on low graphics rendering at 720p. Yikes. Much better now. Running 1080p with high settings getting something like 60 fps.
Also experiencing the UE4-Yakisoba crash
Game crashes immediately after EAC popup. This appears to happen on Windows as well. I have not seen any proposed solutions anywhere online. Tried with most up-to-date Proton as well as the experimental and GE varients
Well besides for the game being pretty bad, everything is working here as expected. Well, the mouse sense is absurdly high and there are no controls to lower it. But that's a feature of the game itself. This game is absurdly hard I have no idea what I'm doing. If you figure it out, please share.
Could not get Origin to install in the Titanfall 2 prefix, and could not install Titanfall via Origin installed in its own prefix
I could not get Origin to install on the wine prefix for Titanfall 2 (1237970), it would immediately crash every time I try to run the setup. I do not know why this is happening. What's weird is that I can install Origin separately as a non-steam-game without issue, but if I try to install TF2 from origin in that prefix, clicking the download button does nothing. I have also tried manually running the Origin setup (downloaded from their website) in the Titanfall prefix with something like STEAM_COMPAT_DATA_PATH="/path/to/steamapps/compatdata/1237970" WINEPREFIX="/path/to/steamapps/compatdata/1237970/pfx" "$HOME/.steam/steam/compatibilitytools.d/Proton-6.10-GE-1/proton" run $HOME/Downloads/OriginThinSetup.exe
, but that instantly crashes, too. It doesn't give much for error logs except some apparently benign gstreamer warnings. One was about it being the wrong ELF class, and another about missing binaries for in the compatibilitytools.d/Proton-6.10-GE-1/files/lib directory (or analogus for other versions of proton).
I have tried all this with multiple different versions of proton -- GE or default. I have also tried adding proton parameters disabling ESYNC and FSYNC as well as running with gamemoderun or some of the other suggested launch options. But as a non-steam-game, I managed to install Origin with no special parameters -- only thing is there was a bunch of green horizontal lines in the background where it was supposed to be white.
As per the previous posts, disable "Reduce Mouse Lag" in the game settings menu. I was still getting a few stutters, so, as per a below post, I backed up and edited $STEAMDIR/steamapps/common/Unreal\ Tournament\ 2004/System/UT2004.ini such that under [Engine.Engine], the default RenderDevice=D3DDrv.D3DRenderDevice line was commented out and the OpenGl line was uncommented. Be aware, if you change the render device in the game, it will overwrite the currently uncommented line, so back up! I was still having issues with i3wm not creating the right size of window, so I had to enable full screen in the settings, reapply the OpenGL settings, and run the application again.