Due to the extra work to get this game running I do not believe this is an enjoyable typical gaming experience.
To get this game working I had to do the following
- Delete the prefix folder 462780 in steamapps > compatdata.
- Run the game so a fresh prefix is created.
- Open a terminal inside the 462780/pfx folder and run the command wget
- Unpack the required files using the command unzip -j "mf-installcab-master/" "mf-installcab-master/"
- Then run the command WINEPREFIX=$PWD ./
- Open a terminal inside the main game folder and run wget
After running the above the game started with no issues and all cutscenes played.
Initially had graphical glitches. Replaced DXVK with D9VK (current version 0.13) and this fixed the graphical issue. Only other issue I found was a sound distortion/corruption when draining the water in underground sewer area. Other than that game seemed to play fine with a steady 60fps.
I had to create a 32bit prefix and install dotnet35 using winetricks. Winetricks also installed dotnet20 and dotnet30sp1 and set wine to xp. Game launches fine but I needed to rename/delete the games directory containing DotNet to prevent the game trying to install it, which takes about 15min to complete.
I have to set the graphics to the lowest setting before launching the campaign then increase it to ultra once the campaign is loaded, otherwise the in game graphics get corrupted.
The land texture under the water is black/missing only once did it appear when I ran the game but have not been able to make it happen again.
Intro cutscene does not play but that is probably cause it is a wmv file.
Finally I needed to rename/delete mscorsvw.exe from inside the prefix windows folder as it prevented the game from quitting and steam would think it was still running. Game runs fine without it.
Gameplay seemed fine and responsive with no crashes so far.
Regular proton 5.0-5 has in game graphics corruption but switching to Proton-5.6-GE-2 solved this.
Trying to Alt+Tab would leave the game running somewhere in the background with no way to switch back
Enabling advanced lighting causes everything but the UI to go black. The intro video does play with Proton-5.6-GE-2 but the audio cuts out in the first few seconds. This was a new clean prefix generated by clicking play in steam.
Needed to force 'Steam Linux Runtime 1.0 (scout)' or game would crash on intro. After that I experienced no issues.
Had to force Steam Linux Runtime 1.0 (scout)
Running in Manjaro without forcing Steam Linux Runtime gave error message CURL_OPENSSL_3' not found.
Once running the game ran at about 150 to 200fps with no issues. Sometimes the game would open in a corner of the screen but alt+tab out and back in fixed that. Requires a 32bit prefix. Needed to use winetricks to install dotnet35, xna31, vcrun2008 and directx9. Game would crash after developer logos until directx9 was installed. Game had no sound and I had to also install FAudio. I used the pre-compiled one from Kron4ek on github. Audio had a slight popping until I set windows version to XP. I also edited the 42910_install.vdf file in the games folder to prevent steam from trying to install the dependencies.
Need to use taskset to stop game from running at 1fps. Start the game and alt+tab out. In a terminal run the command "ps -fC MountainCrime.exe" (without quotes). Take the PID e.g 1234 and run "taskset -p 2 1234" (without quotes). Go back into game. Game ran smoothly at 60fps.
Need to add - (while ! ps -A | grep 'MountainCrime'; do sleep 1; done; sleep 1; taskset -p 2 "$(ps -A | grep 'MountainCrime' | awk '{print $1}')") & %command% - to launch options to fix 1 fps problem. After that game ran flawlessly.
I did not experience any problems playing the game except an occasional jitter but nothing noteworthy.
Do not know if PROTON_FORCE_LARGE_ADDRESS_AWARE is needed I just enabled it.
I did try the game using D9VK option. To get proton to use D9VK I had to drop d3d9.dll into the games bin directory but using D9VK seemed to be worse and the game was especially laggy the the first cave with the gnomes.
Was getting a FATAL ERROR in Vertex Shader error. Sloved it with: protontricks 1214540 d3dx9_43 d3dcompiler_43
I needed to control most of the input on the menus with the scroll wheel and A & D keys.
Have not tried using a controller yet.
Only tested single player. Game runs fine. No issues. Played part of 1st level and the Training level.
When using Proton 5.0-5 I could not look up or down with the mouse. Moving the character using the keyboard caused him to look straight down and start continually firing weapon while moving.
Forced use of Proton-5.5-GE-1 fixed all input problems and game ran for me without any issues.
Game would not get passed the flickering intro video. So I renamed the Intro.mp4 file in the games directory /Shu_Data/StreamingAssets/Video/. Once the game logos faded I pressed enter and the main menu appeared. After that all gameplay was smooth. Adjusting resolution and graphics seem to work and playing in windowed mode was fine. After restarting the game in windowed mode, the graphics menu reported different settings than were actually in use.
Game started and played without any issues. Gameplay, saving, in game menu navigation all worked fine. The game starts in full screen. Pressing F5 to switch to windowed mode results in a black screen and having to force quit the game. Pressing F1 brings up the options menu but the mouse pointer is invisible and you have to navigate using the keyboard.
Game installed and ran perfectly out of the box.
I did notice I could not adjust the systems audio volume using my media keys when in full screen unless I brought up the steam overlay. I guess the game just captures all input when in full screen.
To get the main menu and game to display I had to do the following:
Open a terminal at the games prefix folder location '/steamapps/compatdata/487390/pfx/'
export WINEDEBUG=fixme-all
protontricks 487390 dotnet46
wget -O
unzip -q
wget -O
unzip -q
Cut-scenes/intro videos have audio but no video.
Adding mfplat.dll to the games binary folder did not seem to make any difference so I removed it.
Needed to left to skip logos and invisible videos and once more after Loading... disappears to get into game.
Game ran smooth with no input, sound or graphics issues. Switching from full screen to windowed worked fine. Game did not pause itself when not in focus.
After initial prefix creation and setup I had to use Proton-5.9-GE-2-MF from GloriousEggroll
The new release of proton 5.0-9 caused my previous install to just have a black screen in game. After a lot of different experimenting the only way I could get the game running with sound was to:
- Create a fresh prefix by running the game with Proton 5.0-9
- Repeat the steps on my previous report.
- Switch Proton version to Proton-5.9-GE-2-MF
Game launched with a white screen where the rotating station menu should be, but clicking through I got into the game. Game played fine at around 50fps. Graphics, audio and input all seemed to be fine.
I clicked play and it launched without any issues. Everything seems to be working.
No issues at all. Game ran perfectly with no tweaks needed. Music and Sound worked perfectly.
As others have said I needed to rename the old launcher.exe to something else then create a link to xblades.exe and name it launcher.exe. I then had to set the following launch options otherwise the game runs at 5fps - (while ! ps -A | grep 'launcher.exe'; do sleep 1; done; sleep 1; taskset -p 2 "$(ps -A | grep 'launcher.exe' | awk '{print $1}')") & %command% - Now cutscenes are in excess of 2000fps and gameplay is above 175fps. Had no issues playing. The game sound, graphics and gameplay all fine.
cmd=(%command%); cmd[-1]=xblades.exe; "${cmd[@]}"
The launch option I used bypasses the launcher and runs blade.exe instead. So there was no need to create shortcuts or rename any file when using regular Proton.
The Launcher works properly with GE-Proton7-20.