Finished game without issues
Ran perfectly fine for me out of the box, didn't have to do anything.
With the following start command, the game runs flawless: (while ! ps -A | grep 'MountainCrime'; do sleep 1; done; sleep 1; taskset -p 2 "$(ps -A | grep 'MountainCrime' | awk '{print $1}')") & %command%
Need to add - (while ! ps -A | grep 'MountainCrime'; do sleep 1; done; sleep 1; taskset -p 2 "$(ps -A | grep 'MountainCrime' | awk '{print $1}')") & %command% - to launch options to fix 1 fps problem. After that game ran flawlessly.
Need to use taskset to stop game from running at 1fps. Start the game and alt+tab out. In a terminal run the command "ps -fC MountainCrime.exe" (without quotes). Take the PID e.g 1234 and run "taskset -p 2 1234" (without quotes). Go back into game. Game ran smoothly at 60fps.
Game runs at 1FPS in main menu and ingame 5FPS or something, couldn't even move mouse had to wait 2 seconds or so before it actually moved on screen