Uplay can't connect to their servers. I made all symlinks to libgnutls.so.* as described below. Still failed.
The game works perfectly with stable (3.7-8) version of Steam Play, but doesn't start with latest version (currently 3.16-4 Beta)
Microsoft .NET Framework installs every time when I launch the game. The game works perfectly out of box
If Proton developers fix crashes, it would be great. Crashes and some missing sound are the main problems with the game.
Radio is missing. Sometimes some NPC don't have voice
The game crashes very often.
Run the game with following command line parameters: PULSE_LATENCY_MSEC=60 %command% --launcher-skip
5.9-GE-8-ST GloriousEggroll
The game works only in Proton GloriusEggroll 5.9-GE-8-ST
The game works very well but after tricks described here: https://github.com/ValveSoftware/Proton/issues/4234
I disabled UPlay overlay as recommended below. The game works perfectly on default graphic settings without any framedrops. The game saves also work properly.
I can't connect to Square Enix servers. The game works only in offline mode. But absolutely playable and works very well. I had to change graphic details from ultra to high to increase FPS.
The game works even better than native Killing Floor 1. But there are some issues:
- Microsoft .NET Framework installs every time when I start the game.
- Startup time takes a very long time (~2 minutes).
- Sometimes the game crashes.
That's why I gave the game Gold rating instead of Platinum.
The game is completely playable., but changing launcher, instruction is [here](https://git.io/JfgBB)
Sometimes there's slightly freezes, but nothing critical.
The game doesn't start. I tried to use latest version of DXVK 0.90 but without success.
5.21-GE-1 GloriousEggroll
Proton GloriousEggroll 5.21-GE-1
I found the solution how to play the game in full screen.
- Launch the game in windowed mode.
- Set your screen resolution, windowed mode, turn window borders off in the game settings.
- In steamapps/compatdata/1030840/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/My Documents/My Games/Mafia Definitive Edition/Saves set file videoconfig.cfg as read-only.
- Launch the game, wait for in-game menu and press Alt+Enter to switch to full screen
- Enjoy the game.
The game will always start in windowed mode but you have to press Alt+Enter in any game session to switch to full screen. And settings file won't rewrite and corrupt.
The game works out of box on Proton 5.13-1. Audio works out of box too but with slight crackling. The game deserves "gold" rating.
Audio works out of box, but sometimes with crackling. This doesn't affect on gameplay quality.
The game works absolutely flawless, like native! Even on my old computer! Brilliant!
5.9-GE-6-ST GloriousEggroll
protontricks dotnet40
I used GloriousEggroll 5.9-GE-6-ST.
The game works very well on ultra graphics settings. It uses 6 GB of 8 GB VRAM of my NVidia GeForce RTX 2060 SUPER.
Start the game using following command line parameters: WINEDLLOVERRIDES=dxgi=n,b PULSE_LATENCY_MSEC=60 %command% -adapter 1 -vulkan -width 1920 -height 1080 -USEALLAVAILABLECORES -cpuLoadRebalancing -ignorepipelinecache
The game crashes at start when playing logos and cinematic.
I found the solution to prevent crashes at start. Go to %Game_folder%/media/Video and rename all videos there. The game won't crash anymore.