Ran as expected including functional controller support. Does seem to fail to close on a force quit.
If you don't crash at cutscenes the game is perfect, if you do your first impression will be awful if you crank the settings.
For those that get crashing at cutscenes, the fix is to turn the textures down from high to medium. I'm not certain what exactly causes it, and I don't know if it occurs without the Ultra HD Texture Pack, but turning that setting down did completely stop it from happening.
I went from crashing at (literally) every cutscene to playing the game without issue. The textures look noticeably worse upon close inspection but in normal gameplay it's unlikely you'll think of it very often.
Crashes at cutscenes for a minority of people. Turn texture settings from "High" to "Medium" to fix. May be related to the Ultra HD Texture Pack combined with some Nvidia hardware, more testing would be required. Works perfectly for most otherwise.
Perfect under Proton 3.7-7 Beta. Does contain bugs unrelated to Steam Play. Doesn't require the launch option workaround for the previous two in the series in my testing.
Ran perfectly out of the box for me, though I seem to be the exception. Crashes on exit.
Game doesn't run at all, likely due to its anticheat. The game is however without developer support now, and will likely have its servers taken offline some time in the near future once the playerbase drops even further. It would be a wasted effort to imbue this game with functionality under Proton.
I didn't personally need to do anything to run the game with more or less native performance as far as I could tell. Completed the game (not quite) two times, and have only played in Linux.
Not necessarily borked per se, but it is the MacOS version of the game, they're separated in your Steam Library which is an artifact of the original version of Steam Play, which gave you a game on all platforms when you buy it on one. Presumably GTA 3-San Andreas were on the platform before the first Steam Play, and as a result show separately in your library. It's safe to ignore this particular App ID.
Performance is generally excellent while the game is working. You can now enter a game and start playing as compared to the situation before.
The game crashes seemingly randomly with an identical error after some time, only during transitions between campaign parts. Italicized text in subtitles is distorted and only barely legible.
After some time playing, and after multiple identical crashes, I couldn't get the game to crash again. I'm leaving it bronze, because I feel that these crashes aren't something that'll resolve themselves if you let the game die a few times. I didn't remember to take a screenshot to show the message here until it stopped happening.
All tweaks cause an immediate crash.
Distorted text:
A very small amount of the text at the very beginning is distorted for whatever reason, but the game otherwise runs perfectly.
There seem to be minor audio skipping issues from what I could hear, but nothing that was unplayable, and I'm not aware of if this is something that happens when running in Windows as well. The only other issue I had was one of the transition videos not loading and showing an error, but the game continued running and didn't have any issues after that. Played in it's entirety.
As with the base title, it runs as close to perfectly as I can identify with no adjustments. Game played in it's entirety.
Same as base title and +Nachi, runs perfectly with no adjustments. Played in it's entirety.
Runs perfectly. It was in the first list of whitelisted games Valve released. Second game in the series is Linux native.
Runs fine. Turning on shader settings causes a crash on start. No text is displayed, making the game effectively unplayable. Controller works.
Initial first time setup has 16 steps, followed by 3 on each additional launch. Gets to main menu. Changing options in general doesn't appear to work, fullscreen is distorted. ABXY controller inputs partially work. Attempts to start the game will result in a black screen until the game is closed. D3D11 launch options cause immediate crash, esync disabled gives no results.
Errors out and crashes with "Failed to call ConnectFilters( pSrc, pMPEG1Splitter ). : [0x80004005] Error: 0x80004005O£☐" when you attempt to start the game. All suggested launch options cause failure to start.
Seems to work more or less perfectly. The, uh, "patch" is just extracted files that aren't concerned about what operating system you use, so it works fine as well.
The game has an issue with the capture of the cursor when it switches from being used as a cursor to being used as the input for aiming. It's something I've seen before in other games running in Wine that's sometimes solved by playing around with a virtual desktop and allowing the program to capture the cursor. In the event that none of the typical adjustments work, alt-tabbing out and back in fixes this. You will have to do this after every exit in the game twice for it to work correctly, unfortunately.
Game starts and audio seems to play, suggesting the game itself works. Game is just a black screen from the start, no tweaks cause any change but an immediate crash to desktop.
For those of us still playing Morrowind, the superior experience on Linux lies within OpenMW. I think frankly that playing Morrowind any other way is less than ideal even on Windows. Given that Morrowind is now more in the category of older more niche titles, I think it's safe to recommend that you don't play this game with Proton at all, especially given the extra effort required to get the game running with the mods that are more or less required for modern systems.
That being said, I haven't personally tested it, but the reports seem to indicate that installing one thing is more or less required, that being lib32-mpg123. If you're going to install one thing to get Morrowind to work on Linux, make it OpenMW.