Anticheat update - time to review bomb
Linux support removed because we are all "hackers". Download the game so you can leave a negative review
winetricks for mods
controllers sometimes stopped rumbling, had to exit the race and re-launch
Installing content manager mod was a bit difficult, but even without it you need Proton GE from ProtonUp-Qt to even launch the vanilla game. Winetricks required for custom shaders patch. Multiple guides on Youtube if you need
Runs perfectly fine. Occasional frame drops/lag, but far from unplayable. If it doesn't work, you can play in the browser
Slight fram drops, slight lag, nothing serious and still completely playable
Connects to the CON servers just fine.
I've had cities that have been completely lost because of crashes, and the game has no autosave feature.
Crashes occasionally, resulting in loss of progress
Doesn't work. Gets stuck on the opening screen, but doesn't let me into even the main menu.
added "vm.max_map_count=1048576" to the bottom of the "/etc/sysctl.conf" file
My game would crash every time I tried to join a match, so I followed the steps on this guide: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filede
Takes forever to save data to my account after 2.2. I am aware that this is a problem on Windows as well, but it seems much worse on Linux
screen tearing even with vertical sync
Takes forever to save to my account after 2.2.
Works perfectly
Runs as if native. First starting the game put it at the lowest resolution possible, so just adjust that in settings.
Works perfectly almost no issues or tinkering
Your cursor is at like 15 fps in the main menu, besides that perfect experience.
BattleEye anticheat prevents online play on Linux.
Singleplayer still works fine without tinkering, but Online is borked.
Doesn't launch. EA app appears then is gone
PROTON_NO_ESYNC=1 %command%
works as intended, no issues with the EA app surprisingly
Does not launch. Crashes at various points with different Proton versions before seeing the menu.
gamemoderun %command%
Slight performance issues, had to change settings to low for good framerate. Otherwise good experience
Doesn't run as well as it should given my hardware
Artifacts and black screens on Ultra resolution
Some crashes on Multiplayer
You need to make it use directx 12 in the launch options, certain graphics presets like Ultra and High just don't work for me (the screen is just black)
Works perfectly fine here on Lubuntu 22.04, no issues so far with audio, gameplay, graphics, bugs, etc.
Works fine, but no audio for me
No game audio/sound at all