The peformence of this game is lesser than windows 10 with higher population cities. But way better than a launch
Code mods dissabled
Return after Alt-tab casues game to black out and require a game restart
Game works good. considering the CPU I'm running

Just works out of box. Runs amazingly well
Must admit I haven't played Cities Skylines II since release and that was on Windows. It ran, okay at best. Now 18 odd months later just installed it again since switching to Linux and it runs amazingly well. No issues, super smooth and great frame rate even with a fairly large city. I do not know how much is down to Linux or just that the game has been patched a bunch since I last played it; but it feels native.

In the first dozen or so hours I played, the game occasionally crashed. Afterwards there were no more crashes.
The game runs smoothly. Also no problems with mods & stuff.
Works perfectly out of the box. Performance seems to be on par or even better than on Windows.

MANGOHUD=1 MANGOHUD_CONFIG=fps_limit=60,no_display %command%
You may experience the occasional crash, but it's not Linux related

Works perfectly, no tinkering required
Similar performance to Windows, still has "normal" game issues that can also happen on Windows like lag and the occasional game crash.
Runs equally well (Or, slowly..) as windows without tinkering.

dotnet48 via winetricks (protontricks couldn't install dependency correctly)
Everything from the base game worked without issue, but multiple mods which were previously working fine in Windows were having significant trouble working with both native and MS .NET DLLs.
I haven't tried any of the usual WINE/Proton misbehavior fixes, such as moving to a case insensitive filesystem, or installing other things from wine/protontricks. Many of the issues I experience may be things the authors of the mods I use can fix. In the future I intend to return to running modded CS2 in Linux, as things will have likely improved by then.

VK_ICD_FILENAMES=/usr/share/vulkan/icd.d/radeon_icd.x86_64.json AMD_VULKAN_ICD=RADV DXVK_HUD=devinfo,fps,memory,gpuload bash -c 'exec "${@/%"Launcher/dowser.exe"/Cities2.exe}"' -- %command%
Took 3 boots to initially load without crashing
Works but requires some research to remove artifacts
You have to fix a bug, which causes the game to have buggy graphics like invisible roads.
VK_ICD_FILENAMES=/usr/share/vulkan/icd.d/radeon_icd.x86_64.json AMD_VULKAN_ICD=RADV DXVK_HUD=devinfo,fps,memory,gpuload bash -c 'exec "${@/%"Launcher/dowser.exe"/Cities2.exe}"' -- %command%

Some random crashes happend but I could play for hours already. One currupted a save. Still, playable. Just have to save regularly.
A crash during save deleted my city.
Other than the crashes it playes great, both in fullscreen and window mode.

I'm not sure why, but the UI transparency makes the game run at around 10 fps on any graphics settings. Removing UI transparency in the settings only removes transparency from the in-game status, so when I pause the game I still have this low fps problem since the options menu itselft has that transparency.
It's playable, but not ideal.

PROTON_ENABLE_NVAPI=1 gamemoderun mangohud %command%
framerate drops significantly if vram is full. I only have 8gb of vram so it happens quite frequently. alt-tabbing fixes the issue for a while but restarting the game is best to fix the issue.
No funciona

Works the same and performs as well as when I was on Windows
Besides a few random closes that are rare, the game works flawlessly for me and have been playing for several months on Linux with mods and everything. Besides the games own performance issues, it works perfect on Linux here.

Works great
The game runs great with and witout mods

works out of the box with no real issues
very rare crashes, once every 6h or so.
playing the game with feral`s gamemode out of habit, not necessary.

The performance, while still pretty bad, is comparable to what you might get on Windows. The game seems to just be poorly optimized anyways.
The game freezes when running in fullscreen. You can start in windowed mode via the Paradox Launcher though.
I got 40 fps at 1080p high settings... on an empty map. It seems to be in line with what people with similar hardware experienced. I had DLSS off though.

did not try Skyve 2. Road Builder 2 works fine. did not try any other mods that make big changes.

gamemoderun mangohud PROTON_ENABLE_NVAPI=1 %command%
This game runs like shit
As I said, the performance is tanking
Not observed performance or stability issues using Proton Experimental (default for me)

Generally good experience without mods, tinkering with mods. Some bugginess and crashing.
In fullscreen mode, CS2 does not use the GPU and need to change to Windowed Borderless.
Fairly frequent crashing. Also, game crashes when choosing "Exit to Main Menu" rather than returning to main menu.

works straight from the box

Worked well without significant tweaks. Performance is much better than what it was when the game was first released.
Game froze when attempting to turn off V-Sync in windowed fullscreen and had to be force killed.
Ran it with max settings and DLSS enabled. No major performance issues with a smaller city. Will update if I encounter any on larger cities.
Works fine so far, haven't tested with any large cities, but getting around 75fps on a small town with some graphic settings changed

I've had cities that have been completely lost because of crashes, and the game has no autosave feature.
Crashes occasionally, resulting in loss of progress

Other than the minor input issue, game just works.
Sometimes editing menus in game would randomly close, can get annoying when building long roads and your progress just disappears.
No performance issues, no graphical issues. Feels like native.

Works like a charm, out of the box. Only have issues when I Alt-Tab out of the game, but you can work around it.
After Alt-tabbing out of the game, can only return after clicking in the icon, in the taskbar, several times. Eventually it does come back though.
Pretty good experience overrall.

Single digit frame rate majority of the time

The frame rate is so junk on my rather beefy hardware, it's probably going to be way worse for anyone on a lower end computer.
Significantly poor performance (FPS), but no drawing artifacts (didn't play very long though)
75FPS on a brand new, fully empty, map, on the LOWEST POSSIBLE settings (but 2560x1440). I'm on a Ryzen 5800x + RTX 4070, I should EASILY be getting 200-300FPS or more.
This is one year after the game released (ish), and frankly this performance is offensively bad. I cannot recommend anyone play this game ever. The low framerate on a high refresh monitor really pulls me out of the immersion this game is aiming to provide. I bought beefy hardware to have a silky smooth experience, and this game just throws that in the trash. It's going to be worse for people with lower end computers. I cannot recommend this to anyone. They've also released DLC in the last year, so to me that demonstrates the developers aren't going to fix this. They have fixed other bugs, that is fair, but this kind of performance after a year is just completely unacceptable. DO NOT BUY. DO NOT PLAY. Go back to Cities Skylines 1.

Gamers would quit because there were fps issues only on Linux because the game didn't wanted to utilize more resources that it had
I had 3 fps in the main menu after turning off vsync and all settings i had 120 fps in the main menu then i created new game and when it loaded i had 10 fps and 5% cpu usage and 30% gpu usage why did i have 10 fps when i had left a lot of resources on windows it worked on 50 fps medium

Game runs in 15-20 fps, when on Windows it has 50+ fps
Game has big performance problems. On windows it runs bad, but on good PC i get 50+fps, on linux i have 20fps max. But in this type of game its not so much noticable.

Could not click mouse on external monitor. Once i changed to built-in laptop screen it worked.
A bit laggy
Maybe a bit too laggy for most users, otherwise fine. Could/should probably downgrade graphics more ingame.

Unable to click away the user agreement
Tried both Proton Experimental and Proton 9.0-2
I can see the mouse cursor and move it, but I'm not able to click "OK" to dismiss the User Agreement.