If the game does not start or open, pass '-window' as launch parameter(X11)
A bit more focus on linux development would be nice, especially for a Valve game.
Under Wayland the performance just seems to be quite a bit below Windows. On X11 i could not notice any similar problems.
Other than that, pretty solid experience
Overall just a mess of a game and something Valve, having their own Linux Distro, should be ashamed of.
gamemoderun %command%
Performance is just extremely bad. It ran perfectly fine on my AMD card but on my Nvidia card with 560 its literally unplayable on wayland and passable on X11, but they both show signs of stuttering the longer the sessions get.
Instead of actually providing material that the community wants, new updates break mangohud compatability and only add dire cash grabs. Nearly all of my other 100 games run perfectly fine on Linux, it is just a shame to see the one company that should actually care about a good Linux port just spit on their game and wash it down the drain.
All in all flawless
Without VSync the refresh rate of the monitor sometimes dropped but not the fps
gamemoderun gamescope -w 2560 -h 1440 -W 2560 -H 1440 -f -- %command%
Wayland specific bug made the mouse not lock ingame and occasionally leaves the window.
Closing the game without Alt + F4 hangs the process
Overall solid experience, but Wayland specific multi monitor bugs were a real pain to fix
gamescope -e gamemoderun -w 2560 -h 1440 -W 2560 -H 1440 -f --force-grab-cursor -- %command%
Mouse would leave the window if moved too fast.
Always hangs when trying to exit which leaves the process and wineserver runnning in the background. To start the game again (with gamescope), either restarting Steam or killing Wineserver is mandatory.
Runs fine with gamescope and the additional parameters, but the process not terminating succesfully especially when using gamescope is also very annoying.
Overall solid
Some updates break the anticheat-proton compatability but other than this (which occurs very rarely) one of the best running games on linux via proton.
If only every game would run like this
Performance seems to be better on windows by quite some fps and the overall experience is just smooth as hell.
All in all solid
16GB seems to be a bit too few for rust, when using a second monitor and filling the ram my system sometimes froze, but only when playing rust, so i would recommend 24GB+ ram, athough could just be a proton issue.
Only problem is that the devs seem to be thinking linux will compromise their anti cheat software, so playing on eac-servers is a no go, but Jim does a solid Job with the deadlock server, defenitely worth checking out.
Vulkan needs official support by the Dev team to be usable, but overall all it is running as smooth as i could hope for.
Using dx12 was straight up unplayable and using vulkan tanked my fps by over 50fps, forcing dx11 enabled windows-like performance on my system.
The first 3 times i tried to start the game it always crashed my whole system, but since the fourth it is running smooth everytime, but this might be a KDE bug and not a Proton specific bug on my end.
Overall solid impression and performance
The longer I played the more the fps tanked, but i think this bug might be correlating to X11 or Nvidia.
Works perfect on my Radeon System with Wayland, but on my X11 System with Nvidia Card, sometimes heavy stuttering occurs.
Running smooth as hell, could as well been native
I have never seen a game distributing it's load this equally on all cores, bravo Hinterland
Works great, but automatic resolution detection and simple windowing features are just a thorn in the eye.
Game(DP-1) does not open on the primary monitor(DP-2), i think there is a workaround but I am too lazy to dig around in the config files, primary monitor should be default imho.