4.20-GE-1 GloriousEggroll
Sometimes have to stand for a sec to "let it load everything" otherwise it hitches.
I also use ACO to reduce hitches. I wouldn't call LLVM unplayable but for sure unenjoyable. The performance is generally good with consistent frametimes but sometimes the game is very laggy for some reason (resetting the car and waiting helps). I'm getting ~60-70 on Italy on High preset 1080p 21:9
Access Violation Error
While touching nothing - errorrs out while playing intro video
Had to install "directmusic", step by step in one of the reports below. For the game I strongly advise to install SystemPack (I've used version 1.8), for it to work you will also need playerkit-1.08k To be able to install them I had to use mountpoint so that the game files aren't in a hidden folder (.local or .steam) - those installers can't cope with them.
Bar on the top
Only on the unmodded version of the game
After modding the game, fps locked to 75 (probably vsync or something, i have a 75hz monitor)
On proton 4.11-8 works fine.
The issue is that Steam seems not to be able to install cpt 1.75 through beta section under Linux. I got ~40-50fps on highest in the starting section at 1080p. That's 1.6 version of the game I mind you. Official 4.11-8 works fine but unofficial 4.15ge or tkg4.20 fail to get into game. 4.15ge has issues with resolution while tkg4.20 freezes after finishing loading into save. If I will have some time I may try to get game running under 4.20 as it seems to give nice performance boosts.
Used xliveless. Did those two things: https://github.com/ValveSoftware/Proton/issues/350#issuecomment-419514874 and https://github.com/ValveSoftware/Proton/issues/350#issuecomment-418909900 The paths for nvapi may differ for you, for me they did at least. Draw distance kills the performance. On high settings (with draw distance and details set to the lowest) I'm getting 25-50fps depending on the area. There are some graphical glitches. I suggest turning off in-game V-Sync. I could play like this. But more testing is needed
MANGOHUD_CONFIG="fps_limit=60,fps_limit_method=early" mangohud %COMMAND% /gldevice:D3D11
I've updated FNA and made use of DX11 renderer via DXVK
Updated FNA: https://gist.github.com/flibitijibibo/f06e3f60eb66e5462da824e490229591 Linux D3D11 Alpha: https://fna-xna.github.io/download/
You also have to turn OFF frame skip
All this tinkering I've made was to achieve one thing - locked, perfectly smooth 60fps with perfect frametimes. Any other combination - opengl, vulkan, proton, dx11 via proton - couldn't achieve this. Main reason why the game struggles so much on my setup is that I play on 3440x1440 with removed forced zoom making the game have to render way more.
For anyone intersted in also removing that forced zoon - on Linux it's probably better to just do some hex editing but if you set up a wine prefix with XNA installed you can also just use my patcher: https://github.com/FakeMichau/TerrariaZoomPatcher