Works well OOTB
Runs perfectly smooth with no major issues. There are a lot of custom fonts and one of them looks a little bit wonky in the subtitles, but it's not always used.
works great OOTB
works great OOTB
runs well cause its literally just HL2
Default resolution was very low, you can change it in the settings
gamemoderun %command%
Works Perfectly
J'ai essayé toute les versions de proton et il n'y a pas une qui offre une expérience de jeu sans lenteurs majeures.
Les soutitres sont illisibles.
C'est jouable dans le sens qu'on peut déplacer son personnage. Dès que je décharge mon arme, c'est hyper lent. Le menu a de léger problèmes de performance.
En gros, c'est injouable. En passant, protondb est hypercon et n'est pas capable de détecter que j'utilise KDE Neon (ubuntu). J'ai même pas flatpak sur mon système.
No problems.
The game worked as intended no crashes or major glitches. The only glitch I encountered was the difficulty being set really high a few times, after a while this glitch wouldn't happen. This might just be an issue with the game and not related to Proton/Linux.
Upon using Alt-Tab on fullscreen and going back into the game, it would display as the resolution it's rendering at in a borderless window.
Significantly lower settings than expected had to be used, but it was still within reason.
Runs great on Deck, works good with Deck controls
I did switch to Keyboard and mouse for better control and aiming.
Added radial menu weapon select, added save/load game mode shift on right pad, fine tuned the controls to my liking
Some slow downs in a few scenes, but still very playable
Seems to use an old build of HL2 - You'll see a lot of "node graph out of date rebuilding" messages. They don't affect gameplay.
Download and Play
The game worked well, at the time of this report I have played 4 hours and so far not a problem, remembering this mod requires you to have Half-Life 2 .
PROTON_USE_D9VK=1 %command% -w 1920 -h 1080
You just need to change the version of proton
Tried multiple Proton versions, game didn't even start
Now works fullscreen and in window
Played with Proton 6.3-8
Works perfectly fine out of the box
After a while I replayed this game and now is a complete blast! A wonderful out-of-the-box experience.
works out of the box
Playes in windowed mode
Played well only in windowed mode, sets in game option
Played with Proton 4.11-13. Do not work out-of-box with Proton 5.0.
Adding `%command% -h 1080 -w 1920` is recommended, `-h` and `-w` values depends on your preferred resolution.
The resolution was too low for normal functions.
Running with default settings will open a fullscreen window that's either all black or covered in corruption artifacts. Sounds will play normally but the game is unplayable and the process must be killed via console.
Add 'PROTON_USE_D9VK=1 %command%' to the launch options and it will run perfectly. I got a consistent 120FPS on my system with high settings and 4x MSAA.
Note that if you use fullscreen mode, the game window will turn all black and become unplayable if you change window focus. However, changing workspaces works fine. Adding '-windowed -noborder' to your launch options may fix this, but I did not check.
PROTON_USE_D9VK=1 %command% -w 1920 -h 1080 use d9vk for better performance use second launch option to make it work fonts are a bit weird but it's very playable and there is no performance issues
The game has big problems with framerate. No matter how much the various settings have been set to "low" the game continues to go from 60 fps to 15 as soon as there are more than three enemies. The core problem is that the game is aimed to HL2 veterans looking for a good challenge and without fluidity in the movement I've got stuck in a difficult part of it.
On starting the game, nothing renders at all. The only way to exit the black screen is to enter the console and use the quit command. Sounds are working just fine, but without visual, getting the game to even start is a challenge.
In order to get the game started correctly, pass your screen resolution through the launch options as follows: "%command% -w WIDTH -h HEIGHT" (without the quotes).
Loading times can be very long (up to several minutes). Also, clicking "Options" in the main menu crashes the game. Other than that, the game runs perfectly.