Randomly from time to time the game just starts lagging very badly. After 10-30 seconds it passes and everything works great again
As noted before, just the occasional lag spike
Occasionally while playing the game will lag out my entire computer for a minute or two, and then be perfectly fine again.

Works very well. If you're on Fedora make sure to use the Flatpak version of Steam, as I could not get anything to launch otherwise.
Plays flawlessly with NVIDIA drivers and Experimental proton. Just as good as on Windows, if not better.

Does not launch despite my efforts.
gamemoderun mangohud %command%
Attempted with multiple Proton versions (firstly Experimental), EAC runtime installed. The game will not boot.

Ran fine on both the default 9.0-4 and GE, but I chose GE because the default one did not display the background of the main menu correctly, and it bothered me, it had no effect on gameplay however.
Works great, no issues, 20+ hours under Wayland
works perfectly fine

Well I had to install the Proton EAC Runtime to get EAC to work
Sometimes when launching it just goes black. Other times it hangs on the unity logo. Both times restarting BattleBit worked
also no EAC notifications (eRm U vOilIATe ThE EaC ruLeS, LeAvINg iS n0t AlOweed)

The game works ootb, based devs enabled anticheat for Linux.
official and official community work perfectly. I don't know about community servers though as I don't play on them but I would consider it safe to assume they're fine from how good the main game runs.
No bugs that weren't there on windows. Works completely fine without issues.

Solution for KDE (Plasma): Disable Kwin with ALT+SHIFT+F12
Doesn't run at 144Hz
Extremely rare half-second freezes

Works very well, without major problems

gamemoderun %command%
Had to install Proton EasyAntiCheat through Steam to get the game to work, but it wasn't that hard. Once the game is up and running there really isn't any issues at all.

Install Proton EasyAnticheat Runtime and use Proton 9.0-3. The only thing that annoys me is the absence of Steam overlay...
env --unset=SDL_VIDEODRIVER DXVK_ASYNC=1 PROTON_HIDE_NVIDIA_GPU=1 gamemoderun mangohud %command%
Big Stutters

gamemoderun mangohud %command%
The game doesn't use all of my system's resources so it can't reach my monitor's refresh rate of 180 so I forced 400% (8K) render resolution to solve that issue and it gets me the same FPS as before.
Also, there's this one slowdown that happens a few minutes after you load into the game, it tanks your FPS down to 5 for less than a minute. It only happens once per launch of the game.
Works really great.

Perfect with proton-ge or experimental. Slight lag in dense situations but could be my hardware. I have had zero issues whatsoever.
Slight lag in really dense/intense situations, definitely very minor

WINE_FULLSCREEN_FSR=1 WINE_FULLSCREEN_FAKE_CURRENT_RES=1920x1080 game-performance %command%
It ran really slow given the games simple graphics and my decent hardware. I only achieved 120-180 FPS on almost the lowest settings.
The game randomly mid gameplay drops to 8 FPS and stays there antill I restart it.
I like the game but given the instability and bad performence it's not enjoyable.
Ran completley the same as it did on windows
Works well. Had to set the launch options for though wayland otherwise I was getting an error about dependencies not being found
env --unset=SDL_VIDEODRIVER DXVK_ASYNC=1 gamemoderun %command%

PULSE_LATENCY_MSEC=30 gamemoderun %command%
PULSE_LATENCY_MSEC=30 fixes my audio crackling

The game always crashed while joining a server. Moving the game from NTFS to ext4 partition, switching to GE-Proton9-13 and running Easy Anti Cheat install from Launch options fixed it. Firstly it crashed in the menu but never since then.
Otherwise it's absolutely perfect. Wouldn't know a difference

It's work's prefectly and I have experienced no issues.

Works well out of the box on Bazzite.
No tweaks needed.
Doesn't even start on Intel Arc750. Tried all the workarounds. Previously worked fine on Nvidia card.

STEAMDECK=1 %command%
On multi monitor pc sometimes cannot use both monitor (discord steam and other)
Games cannot work (but working. i think its Gnome cringe)
Works godd but need STEAMDECK=1 %command%

Game ran, worse performance than on Windows with this hardware of course, overall 10/10
Frames will dips sometimes
Works for me, using Proton 9.0-2
Runs really good, no problems

Lags out hard for a few seconds every few matches
Works fine OOTB since the last time I tried.
I used "PROTON_HIDE_NVIDIA_GPU=1 gamemoderun %command%" because i read it often. It may be runs good out of the box, but i didnt tried it!
PROTON_HIDE_NVIDIA_GPU=1 gamemoderun %command%

Nothing appears at all.
Just click play, then steam say it's launching, and nothing happens at all.

Proton GE removes any graphical issues present with the main menu and elsewhere when using the official Proton. Works like a dream- just as good if not better than windows.

On Proton Experimental, this game is not stable. It uses to much memory. But as soon as I switched to 7.0-6. Game worked perfectly.
As mentioned. On Proton Experimental, this game is not stable, in terms of memory usage. It's building it up, until game and even Steam crashes. But game started to work very well, after I switched Proton version to 7.0-6. It maintained stable memory usage. Game was stuttering for me, but only for a little bit, mainly after I shot first time after game launch. But after that gameplay was practally smooth.

No tinkering required! Works out the box
Just lag when running the game for the first time. Works good after playing

Rare strong slowdowns, lasting less than a minute
Rare process lockups in game, consistent lockups on exit
Main menu background is a testpattern(?)

PROTON_HIDE_NVIDIA_GPU=1 gamemoderun %command%
The game runs pretty much the same as it does on Windows.
runs out of the box

Sometimes the Cursor switches between the in-game one and my native cursor, but that may be an issue with my wayland.