I used "PROTON_HIDE_NVIDIA_GPU=1 gamemoderun %command%" because i read it often. It may be runs good out of the box, but i didnt tried it!
PROTON_HIDE_NVIDIA_GPU=1 gamemoderun %command%
launcher starts, login fails
I tired ProtonGE, normal Proton, Proton Hotfix, Proton Experimental and older versions of Proton. The Launcher starts, but the login fails. Error Code: ID 4/77
Nearly perfect out of the box. Except one issue!
only in the vaccumer sand game
The game crashes on GE-Proton9-15. Because it was recommended here i switched to the Proton Experimental version. It runs well on it. Except in the vaccumer sand game. There my FPS dropped on 1 FPS (on windows i have 0 issues in this minigame). After i tried the recommended Proton from steam, this issue doesnt changed. But the recommended version of Proton is running like the experimental version very well.
I had on 3 or 4 cutseens crashes. After reloading the game the cutseen loads normal and the game didnt crashed. Great game!
STEAM_COMPAT_CONFIG="nativevulkanloader" mangohud %command%
I used "STEAM_COMPAT_CONFIG="nativevulkanloader" mangohud %command%" because ist was here often recommended.
after updating to ProtonGE9-22 i got visual bugs, shadow bugs and lags. Switching to the Steam Proton9 didnt solved the problem. With switching back to ProtonGE9-21 i got 0 problems.
lags in cutscenes
only on ProtonGE9-21 i got 0 visual, shadow bugs and hard lags. I only got some lags in cut scenes. The game does run pretty well on ProtonGE9-21. With updating on ProtonGE0-22 or Steam Proton 9, i got problems with visual bugs, shadow bugs and lags.