PULSE_LATENCY_MSEC=30 gamemoderun %command%
PULSE_LATENCY_MSEC=30 fixes my audio crackling
PULSE_LATENCY_MSEC=30 fixes my audio issues
Everybody in multiplayer must use proton if one person does (or is on Windows), or the server will disallow joining due to differing map versions.
Needed to install c++ runtime (vc2022)
Controllers got mixed up when playing in the PVP mode, leading to 2 people controlling the same character, but campaign worked perfectly.
Not usable as primarily intended
Screenshots don't work
Enabling "launch with Windows" crashes
Other tools unrelated to screen capture work fine
Works perfectly
(On Wayland) Need to switch to US keyboard layout before starting both the launcher and individual servers then to my custom layout after loading, otherwise most non-alphanumeric inputs don't work.
Crashes can be anywhere from "you can't play the game today" to once every 5 or so rounds.
Frequently kicked with the generic "you're probably cheating, but whatever" error code (TFGE0027) until verifying the game files.
Often freezes on a black screen when returning to the lobby after a round.
Most of my issues also happened while I was on Windows, just less often. Friends on Windows and Linux have similar issues.
PROTON_USE_EAC_LINUX=1 PROTON_ENABLE_NVAPI=1 gamemoderun %command% -dx11
PULSE_LATENCY_MSEC=30 fixes my audio crackling for every proton game I've tried, but EAC kicks me with code TFGE0027 when I have it set (it does work though)
When in battle, switching focus will cause wine to crash
I get 60fps at low settings in 4K, a bit more on Windows though.
My 1660 SUPER gets a very unstable 30fps at 30% of 480p with TAAU though, unlike Windows where it'd get stable-ish 30fps at 1080p.
Very often kicked with the error code TFGE0027 until validating files several times (tested on several storage devices and friends have the same issue)
Works almost perfectly with very minor bugs that can just be ignored.
Cutscenes and the main menu scene appear broken most of the time but it doesn't affect gameplay