Everything works Just like playing on other common Operating Systems.
- Proton Version I use for testing Proton 4.11-7,Proton 4.11-8,Proton 4.11-9
Does not start. After .NET installation, Steam says the game is running but nothing comes up on the screen. The process has to be terminated with 'kill '.
Working perfectly out of the box.
Single-player works, haven't tried multi-player.
Everything works fine. Graphics, sound, controllers and multiplayer.
for me it worked perfectly smooth with no bugs and no adjustments
Everything tested. Single and Multiplayer on all matchtypes.
Runs like native.
Game seems to play fine as far as solo goes. I have not tested multiplayer or party. However, proton tries to install the .net framework and throws an error. When you alt+tab or minimize the game during the loading screen, it will become extremely small. This is fixed by a restart.
Game runs fine. Both off-line and on-line work.
Game closes when trying to find a match or doesn't even run at the start