Random audio stuttering (rarely)
Just maximized, but not a problem at all for this game
It's acceptable but I'd recommend playing it in desktop mode or on other platforms
Fullscreen was patched out of the game after an update. Game looks blurry on the deck without the fullscreen option
Works out of the box
Crackling audio when scrolling
The game has no builtin fullscreen option, so I used the window manager's fullscreen hotkey.
Works perfectly out of the box
Smooth sailing. You should have a good experience out of the box.
There is no fullscreen option as far as I could tell. Full window works just fine, though.
Runs perfectly out of the box
Switched to fullscreen via windowmanager option
Everything runs out of the box.
Works fine. The game starts in a small window by default and there's no in-game option to go full screen. I used the window's "maximise" button in my desktop environment which worked as expected.
Will not run in full screen by default, but with supplied tweaks works just fine.
Works. Warning though no native fullscreen on Windows: https://steamcommunity.com/app/532110/discussions/0/1353742967806367434/
Only installed and played briefly but no noticeable issues.