Does not start. Punkbuster installs just fine. Game will not launch.
On first run, the game will stall during .NET installation. This game does not even use .NET as mentioned by the developers. Upon removing .NET install from redist folder, the game just does not start.
Origin installs, BF3 + DLC all install, but battlelog never launches the game when attempting to play.
This game runs fine with lutris, so it is likely able to run with proton. Main issue is battlelog fails to launch the game when it's launched through steam for some reason. Unplayable for now :/
Out of the box, the game will have abysmal performance. Upon changing to Windowed mode and changing the size of the window to ~ 1280x720 the game runs perfectly even in 8-player gamemodes.
The progress made has been amazing and now this game runs even better on Linux than it does on Windows for some
gamescope -w 2560 -h 1440 -r 165 -- gamemoderun %command%
There's a bit of choppiness on the first boot up and, if in multiplayer, the first match. Afterwards it's quite smooth.
I was able to play serveral rounds online. It's unfortunate the game has such a small population remaining and [Crouch-only] servers are mostly the only types with any population now.
No issues at all locally.
This game has only ran well when I've used kernels using the PDS scheduler. Attempting to run this game with the LTS or ootb kernel most distros have results in some pretty awful stutters and hitches when attempting to move or fire your weapon.
gamescope -w 1920 -h 1080 -r 165 -- gamemoderun DXVK_ASYNC=1 %command%
Using a kernel with the PDS scheduler alongside setting the DXVK_ASYNC=1
seem to be required for these older CoD titles to work well. With the settings I used there was no suttering, hitching, or fps drops. Everything seemed to function as good or better than it does on Windows (eg. the alt+tab bug present on windows doesn't seem present when using gamescope).
Both Single and Multiplayer work perfectly, and require no configuration.
Single Player will get through first loading screen and crash just before gameplay starts.
Will show that you are in-game but the game will not start. No crashing errors, nor logs supplied.
No configuration was necessary. Game ran perfectly with no fiddling. It even recognized and auto-mapped Xbox One Controller.
Might need beefy hardware to raise the resolution, but it's an enjoyable experience so far.
There was no option to enter fullscreen. Only Borderless and Windowed.
Ran choppy for the first 15-20 minutes, but it's been smooth since.
I didn't need to perform any tinkering to get the game running. After the initial 15-20 mins of stuttering, the game ran smooth and has continued to run smooth for me.
The game will start, but will stall on a screen with lots of stars. Will not move passed this part requiring one to kill the app.
Required no tinkering or additional configuration (outside of remapping default controls which is entirely up to preference).
This game will not start. No current workarounds. No error messages. The game seems to crash on start.
Requires no configuration or tweaks. Works perfectly out of the box. Xbox controllers seem to work perfectly as well.
Requires no preconfiguration; this game will run perfectly out of the box.
You are able to get the Launcher to start, but if you press "Play" after verifying the files, you'll get an error related to BattleEye.
Still gets battle-eye error about not being able to start the Battle-eye driver before crashing.
More than 50 hours with no issues.
Switching between Windowed and Fullscreen, then Alt + Tab to any other window causes the game to turn very sluggish when tabbing back into it.
There was noticeable input lag until I used the in-game option "Use Raw Input".
Ensure the launcher doesn't look like a empty white block:
%command% --disable-gpu
Required no additional configuration. Worked perfectly out of the box.
The game itself runs fine for the most part. There are random instances where it seems to stutter but for the most part it runs well. Controllers are duplicated and a second controller with odd mappings essentially corrupts/mirrors the mappings of the primary controller making the game unplayable with a controller.
I've been playing with 0 tweaks and it's running better in Arch than it ever has in Windows.
Will not run in full screen by default, but with supplied tweaks works just fine.
The logo/splash screen shows up, as well as opening credits. Afterwards we just get a black screen.
This could be related to previously mentioned bug(s) related to cutscenes not showing correctly. If you switch to Proton 4.2.9 the game loads up, and although cutscenes are still not visible, you are able to reach a menu and play the game.
Cutscenes do not show. There's only a black screen.
You'll have to use the -force-d3d9 launch option to get characters to render. With this option enabled, the game runs perfectly. All sounds work perfectly, it detects controllers (even if they disconnect and reconnect).
Crashes on launch after some time. Will stall for an then throw the following error:
Code: [41103] Failed to connect to server due to an unstable network connection. Try again if your network is connected. Reason: [DFU Information File(root xml)]