Game is not start OOTB
origin is not set on proton 6.3-6. on 5.13-6, origin seems to be installed, but there is no authorization and therefore does not go further either. I think there is a trick or the fact that the game starts in proton is a lie.
This is not the first time I notice that installing additional programs such as directx or c#/c++ libraries fails and the game does not start on last version proton. But if the program was installed in the old proton - the game will start on the old proton.
Проверил работу в 5,13 и 4 протоне нормально одинаково, были проблемы с контролерами.
Были проблемы с китайскими геймпадами, но играть лучше и удобнее с клавиатуры и мыши с ними проблем нет
need install win lib if did not installed automatically
After second install and first launch, with auto-install vcrun and directx lib in proton, game is starting
Game freezes up on mission "punishers"
start game choosed 'Play Partisans 1941 on Windows 7'
the rockstar launcher gave 134 errors (not connecting to rockstar), it was installed only on proton experimental and 5.13-6 versions
purchase refund
Failed to initialize BattlEye Service: Driver Load Error (31). So i cant play at this game.
great start out box, but few players left in the game
start with on;y experimental proton