Works perfectly when not using joysticks
Any type of joystick connected or configured caused the game to rapidly switch between keyboard+mouse and gamepad configuration, making it unplayable (neither mouse nor joystick worked correctly, I don't have a gamepad).
Disconnecting joysticks and removing their configuration solved the issue for me.

Unplayable due to constant switching between controller and k+m settings
Game flickers constantly between controller and keyboard+mouse settings. Whenever I move the mouse, it changes all UI constantly (e.g. one moment it has the X Apply, B Back for a controller, the next moment it has the buttons 'Apply changes', etc for mouse usage. This makes it virtually impossible to click anything, as I have to click multiple times in the hope that during my click the button is there.
In game it is unplayable as no matter what I do, the screen constantly rotates wildly (I guess the same switching happens, with the non-existing controllers screwing anything I might do with the mouse)
2-3 crashes over the course of 35 hours of play, but I don't believe these to be caused by Proton.

Works out of the box, performance great!
Performance drops to 35 fps while being landed on planets. Not an issue since there are only static menus there.
Running at around 90 fps in space on high details using ACO shader compiler. Great experience!
Campaign & Tutorial not playable
Games crashed in the prologue of the campaign. Sandbox maybe works fine.
Some framedrops to exactly 30fps while the rest of time it runs smooth on 60fps with 40-50% GPU usage on a 980ti playing on 3440x1440...

I don't know if game crashes when you try to load any save game
Cannot load save game Prologue Part 2, game crashes when loading finish

I downloaded it today, and since i played it on windows 10 i already had some saves, loaded most recent one. And i played it for an hour or so. No issues, some fps drops when entering Concordia and other star bases, but nothing during space battles. No tweaks or changes, straight steam play install.

Seems to load and save fine thus far.

Crashed in the first scene when targeting the battleship. A pity, seems like a beautiful game.

Runs great from a default install; however, it will crash to desktop when attempting to load saved games. The game creates a zero-length "screen shot" for each save in BMP format, and crashes when it attempts to open it later during the load game process. A workaround to this is to delete all .bmp files from your .steam/steamapps/common/Starpoint Gemini Warlords/Saves folder before starting the game each time.

Proton 3.7-8 game is crashing when you choose aim (LLP) and back to desktop. Proton 3.16-7 works fine. Small problem with low FPS about 30-35/s medium. Good game ;)

The game starts and runs beautifully without adjustment. However, the game will crash to desktop when attempting to load any saved game, preventing progression across multiple sessions.

Installed and run it in borderless window mode. Did the tutorial and reached the first mission. Everything ran perfectly. No issues at all. Xbox controller froze the game in fullscreen and dualshock controller had buttons not working. Keyboard and mouse was fine, no issues at all. Will keep playing the game and report back if there is any issue.

Runs, but as soon as you target the battleship in the first mission the game crashes to desktop

Can start campaign but crashes after first cutscene

Seemed to work fine, But Text in game is huge and unreadable.