A classic RTS game---works perfectly with a mouse and keyboard. I never thought anyone would play an RTS with a gamepad
The game didn’t start in Game mode on the first launch. You need to run it in Desktop mode, select or create an account, and then it will work properly in Game mode.
I ran the game on an external screen without any issues. The native resolution is selected in the settings. In-game, I can choose 2560x1400, and it runs very smoothly.

Віконний режим, 16:9
Нативна версія для Linux не працювала належним чином. В багатокористувацькому режимі в будь-який момент часу гра могла зависнути або припинити приймати будь-які команди. Досягти комфортності гри вдалося запустивши її в режимі сумісності, використовуючи Proton 9.0-2, у віконному режимі з пропорціями 16:9.

Cossacks 3 läuft bei mir ohne Probleme mit GE-Proton 9-11. Versucht nur nicht das Spiel mit dem normalen Steam Proton zu spielen, es funktioniert gar nicht oder nur sehr schlecht.
Kleiner Tipp --> Ihr könnt GE-Proton usw. mittels ProtonPlus installieren. Bei Nobara ist es vorinstalliert, wie es bei den anderen Distros aussieht weiß ich nicht.

Works great after switching to ProtonGE. Used a community layout and modified it to my needs. 30-35 fps on Medium settings, Shadow maps off.
Swapped some commands to add camera zoom in/out and quick access to game menu (F10)
Lowered Deck's framerate to 30 but it's not required
Some text is small but it's legible, so it's ok.

Choose "Launch Config" and then set windowed mode as the game does not launch properly using Full Screen. I was able to run high graphics
Need to use windowed mode as full screen does not display the game, only a small weird window
Used Proton 8.0-4 and windowed mode. no issues other than not being able to use full screen mode

Game can only be played at low resolution in windowed fullscreen. Changing the settings doesn't make any different
game can only launch at low resolution
Can only be run as fullscreen windowed at low resolution, even though I changed the settings
only about 50 fps at low resolution

Everything started without problems. But only in windowed mode the cursor hits the buttons in the game
Launched in full screen windowed mode
Native Linux Port doesn't work for Arch
Just force use Proton instead. Windows UI appears to be better anyway. No issues with Proton (8.0-1)
It's supposed to work with the Flatpak version of steam but that's not a solution.
Played online to test it but I always lose real bad. Game works fine though

Running from Heroic, only enabling: "Use Steam Runtime" and "Show FPS (DX9, 10 and 11)". Mini-map works, unlike other reports.
Awful native linux port, after ~10 min of playing, the game is just stop working
Do not use native version, intstall with proton, it works fine with proton
When using native opengl driver with radeonsi you need to enable allow_glsl_120_subset_in_110 option in mesa drirc.
Flickering when using the zink driver, but i resolved it by entering in windowed mode and then switching back to fullscreen again.
Had to use zink driver as the default radeonsi native opengl driver seemed really slow with this game.
Very Playable if you follow my instructions with amd gpu.
PROTON_USE_WINED3D11=1 %command%
The game crashes at the end of campaign missions.
Everything seems to be fine, even the minimap is here. Though crashing at the end of missions is a problem and takes away all the fun.
You have to add the commandline PROTON_USE_WINED3D11=1 %command%

Neither the Linux port nor using Proton works
Linux port is garbage and full of bugs. Proton does not launch at all.

You really cannot play the game without the minimap -- at least not as usual, it's very important imho.
Missing minimap
Both the native and Proton versions don't work!
I tried every Proton version from 4 to 7 and GE-Proton

steam couldn't find the exe (running linux native), fixed by linking the binary to the location it was looking for the exe
ln -s cossacks cossacks.exe
water not rendering, showing just as a sandy depression
Save often because it will crash. Enough to detract from enjoying the game, but not so much that you can't play.
For a game that was released as 'supporting linux' it's not not nearly as good on linux as it should be.
Native and Proton versions don't work.
Basically unplayable, both native and proton version
Missing textures, wrong colors, missing minimap and much more...
Changing the window resolution often times crashes the game
Multiplayer is not work
Use native version to play this game. Just install it via Steam from flatpak of snap - it uses old libraries and flatpak version has them all. Game works like a charm in singleplayer. Multiplayer has a bug - loosing control in game. For some reason you will loose control of your units after ~10min in the game and could be only spectator.
mini map isn't there, also missing textures and invisible units, not really playable, Native version is also broken doesn't launch (it actually looks for cossacks3.exe even though the linux binaries are there, but they also do not work when attempting to launch outside of steam) checked libs none missing. Would not recommend buying this seems to have been abandoned by developers based on the steam discussion.
missing textures, missing mini map, invisible units

Minimap is missing, but it works.
Minimap is missing
Loaded game loads black. Nothing on screen.
Proton 4 or Experimental to work.

Works flawlessly with Proton 4.11-13
Broken with Proton 5 or 6. Perfect with Proton 4.11-13

Fullscreen doesn't work with proton.
Slight performance issues.
Use Native instead of Proton, it works almost perfectly. If Steam gives you the "cossacks.exe not found" error (or something similar), just simply rename the file "cossacks" to "cossacks.exe" in the Cossacks folder, inside the Steam Library. If it fails to launch again, run this command in the terminal to install the required 32 bit libraries:
sudo apt-get install libxtst6:i386 libgtk2.0-0:i386

visible part of window in the top-left side of screen, but missing in windowlist
Just shows a part of game window in the top-left side of screen. I hear sound. I hear sounds of main menu, but unable to see it. Cursor is changed.
Window is missing in windowlist, but I still can alt-tab to it.
Native Cossacks 3 throws Access violation $F7D4C3F0. Windows version as soon as main menu was loaded game crashed. Unplayable on Linux

Only with proton this happens. Native version fullscreen works
I had to install two 32-bit libraries on Debian to get this game to launch at all and be playable. Please install these libraries and see if you get it to work. libxtst6:i386 libgtk2.0-0:i386

Beyond borked. Doesn't even start. This applies to both native and Proton versions.
This game doesn't run as a native program for a long time. It shouldn't even listed as native.

Native version is borked, not even with Proton works
This game used to run out of the box years ago, now that I wanted to reinstall it, the native version doesn't even start the game.
While using proton on this, I only managed to land on the main menu, but the game became unresponsive with a black screen when starting a scenario.
Native client didnt work for me, used proton 5.11-GE-3-MF to get it to start. The minimap doesnt work which is really annoying, more then you think since it effects gameplay in a real way. Im gonna wait for a fix till i play this game again. I rather experience this game the way it was suppose to play.
While native version freezes right away after reaching the main menu, on Proton there is still no minimap
Still no minimap.
Current native version only opening in windowed mode and freezes after trying to start a game.
Finally the game works, but there are still problems.
While the game is enjoyable in this state, configuration tool is still not working. Achievements not working.
The missing minimap makes the game unplayable and crashes don't help.
Missing minimap
Minimazing often leads to a crash
While native still doesn't work, tried it with new Proton version 5.0-2 but it's still the same as before.
Still no minimap.
Mini Map + Many missing texture
Native version still doesn't work. Under Proton, minimap doesn't show up, hence the game is not playable.
Minimap doesn't show.
Seems like it doesn't matter what you use. Game runs out of the Box, but has some problems that can't be fixed with these Flags.
Set UseMultithreadedMode to False in /home/[USER]/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/333420/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/My Documents/cossacks/profiles/[GAME_USERNAME]/profile.cfg.
One of the Devs recommended it in the steam forums
Sometimes your keyboard input may lag if you use the arrow keys for navigation.
Crashes while playing. Can't say when it happens, but i think its about an hour in the game when it likes to crash.
Minimap won't render but you can still klick on it for navigation or faster camera movement.
Native Build won't even start up for me. Seems like the Devs abandoned this game for Linux.