Added Alt to left Trackpad menu.
The mission reminders and... everything in the arena-only menus are a touch too small, this is only a genuine issue for the skill tutorials, everything else is just flavor.
The game won't launch without the command.
Using a controller without the Steam Controller API crashes the game and Steam.
The game occasionally freezes for a very short time (under a second). Oddly enough, Arena freezes more often.
The game - and Steam for that matter - froze permanently when trying to use a controller without using the Steam Controller API. I had to restart my computer to get Steam to work again.
Never crashed otherwise.
Not tested : Multiplayer.
The game itself works works very well, the freezes aren't enough to make the game unplayable.
WineD3D is needed to launch the game (it crashes otherwise).
Occasional freezes, none lasted for more than a second.
Crashed once during the hour I spent on the game.
Not tested: multiplayer, gamepad support.
Rebind keys, disabled gyro, decreased trackpad sensitivity.
The game's badly optimised, bring the video settings to low/medium to get 60 fps.
Memory leak, must reboot the whole deck when it freezes.
The game doesn't properly quit, use the Steam Overlay.
Added v and n to shoulder buttons.