Quick install of GE-Proton9-25 and a simple command line and this thing works great - tested on both my PCs (both running PopOS/AMD cards)
-high -maxMem=24576 -malloc=system -force-feature-level-11-0 -cpuCount=10 -exThreads=16 -force-d3d11-no-singlethreaded +fps_max 0 -high -nojoy -dxlevel 95 -forcenovsync +exec autoexec
Didn't run smoothly without the modifications.

Borked on nouveau despite multiple tweak attempts
Crashes when joining a server or starting a singleplayer server
1498.094:0130:0244:info:vkd3d-proton:vkd3d_pipeline_library_disk_thread_main: Pipeline cache marked dirty. Flush is scheduled.
thread '<unnamed>' panicked at ../mesa-24.3.4/src/nouveau/compiler/nak/sm70.rs:236:17:
assertion failed: reg.file() == RegFile::UGPR
note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace
fatal runtime error: failed to initiate panic, error 5
1498.194:0130:0178:warn:seh:dispatch_exception backtrace: --- Exception 0x80000101.
1498.194:0130:0178:trace:seh:dispatch_exception code=80000101 flags=1 addr=000073F399DB0624 ip=73f399db0624
1498.194:0130:0178:warn:seh:dispatch_exception EXCEPTION_WINE_ASSERTION exception (code=80000101) raised

gamemoderun %command%
runs better than it did on windows. turning off volumetric fog and clouds significantly increases fps and reduces latency. enabled FSR which might not have made a huge difference but seemed to help. hosted dedicated server using wine which works perfectly.

gamemoderun %command%
runs significantly better than on windows, hosted a dedicated server while playing.

-USEALLAVAILABLECORES high -maxMem=65536 -malloc=system force-d3d11-no-singlethreaded -+fps_max 0 -high -nojoy -dxlevel 95
Great experience, other than uploading almost every day with huge updates. and pay to win sucks.

Splash screen opens, then crashes with error "Unhandled Exception: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION reading address 0x00000000000003a0"
gamemoderun %command%
Full crash report is found here:
Fatal error!
Unhandled Exception: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION reading address 0x00000000000003a0
0x00000001474df92a ArkAscended.exe!UnknownFunction [] 0x00000001474df408 ArkAscended.exe!UnknownFunction [] 0x00000001474de4bc ArkAscended.exe!UnknownFunction [] 0x00000001447ed702 ArkAscended.exe!UnknownFunction [] 0x000000014477dba9 ArkAscended.exe!UnknownFunction [] 0x000000014477e4e5 ArkAscended.exe!UnknownFunction [] 0x00000001447f073e ArkAscended.exe!UnknownFunction [] 0x0000000144918230 ArkAscended.exe!UnknownFunction [] 0x0000000140ea4e95 ArkAscended.exe!UnknownFunction [] 0x0000000140ea8019 ArkAscended.exe!UnknownFunction [] 0x0000000140e9af8a ArkAscended.exe!UnknownFunction [] 0x0000000140eb12ba ArkAscended.exe!UnknownFunction [] 0x0000000140eb1d28 ArkAscended.exe!UnknownFunction [] 0x0000000140eb1dfb ArkAscended.exe!UnknownFunction [] 0x000000014754997a ArkAscended.exe!__scrt_common_main_seh() [D:\a_work\1\s\src\vctools\crt\vcstartup\src\startup\exe_common.inl:288] 0x00006fffffed482d kernel32.dll!UnknownFunction []

DXVK_FILTER_DEVICE_NAME="Radeon RX 6650 XT" mangohud %command%
Great new game in the franchise

Worked well without any tinkering

No different than how it is on windows, if they CAN enjoy it on windows they would enjoy it on Linux.
Textures didn't look like they fully loaded, possible issues with streaming.
Runs like dogshit, feels like the original Ark when i played it on a gtx 960, only that THIS WAS A RTX 3090.
Its Ark, nothing more needs to be said.

HDR Not Detected, Requires Gamescope for HDR support.
When using HDR through gamescope with Frame Gen enabled there is major flickering of landscape/scenery.

A game window appears for half a second and disappears, which closes the game.
Game didn't start

If you really don't want to run Windows, then this is playable but stuttering occurs when moving fast, so consider using slower tames..
FSR3 Frame Interpolation enabled in Engine.ini https://pastebin.com/uNQPQu6q
20-30 FPS less than native on Windows 11 Pro, hard stuttering when moving fast

In order to enjoy playing ASA, I recommend following *CTRL ALT REBOOT* guide *Linux Tech Tips EP#27: Installing Nukems FSR3 Frame Gen Mod*.
WINEHAGS=1 LFX2=1 mangohud gamemoderun %command%
In order to enjoy playing ASA with max settings, I recommend following CTRL ALT REBOOT guide Linux Tech Tips EP#27: Installing Nukems FSR3 Frame Gen Mod.
Well, ASA is quite buggy by itself, so hard to tell if any bug is proton related or not.

game is working perfectly after installing battleye and some other program on startup
i was surprised how well the game works in 2k but that is how my amd card is good for

mangohud %command% -dx11
mangohud %command%
7FPS while the horizon was in view - If looking directly at the ground I get 75FPS (Vsync)
Game is just completely unplayable in it's current state with Proton. Not suggested as a purchase as of 14 June, 2024. I requested refund and can not update this post - apologies.
Even worse than the first Ark: Survival Evolved launch - In My Opinion.

The game is playable and it even ran smother on Linux than on windows, the issue is there is a lot of flickering
There a lot of shadow flickering, I am guessing it has to do with global ilumination.
So I dont know if there is a way to fix the flickering ..maybe a GE Proton version. but if there is a way to fix it ..it would run solid . FYI This issue only happens when you are inside of buildings.
gamemoderun %command%

I've played the game since it released, put hundreds of hours into it and have never had any issues specific to Linux.
I played on a private, self hosted server without battle eye, I have not tested the anticheat at all as I see no point in using one on a private server.

Works perfectly fine, multiplayer and singleplayer has no issues and ran how it did with Windows.
DLSS RTX options aren't available.
Had problems when launching with Proton Experimental (VRAM exhaustion on 8GB NVIDIA card), but works great with GE.
Had problems when launching with Proton Experimental (VRAM exhaustion on 8GB NVIDIA card), but works great with GE.

-high -maxMem=95536 -malloc=system -force-feature-level-11-0 -cpuCount=10 -exThreads=16 -force-d3d11-no-singlethreaded +fps_max 0 -high -nojoy -dxlevel 95 -forcenovsync +exec autoexec
The game works well on the SteamDeck, it fells like it runs around 30–40 FPS and doesn't feel too bad to play. I would use r.volumetriccloud 0 in the console for better FPS. If you experience some issues with launching the game (like it crashes when you make a world), just verify the game! I would recommend!

Runs better than native, using GE-Proton8-25 Framerate, stability and smoothness is better than on Windows 10 using the same hardware.

Launch settings of -dx11 is pretty much mandatory in order to play; at least on Linux Mint. Expect many issues still at games current state.
I have winetricks and protontricks installed as a requirement for some other games, and may affect why I was able to run this title.
This is likely due to issues relating to resource hogging and FPS loss of the graphics and so not directly related to audio issues.
- Map's 3 obelisks are missing (only their colored glow beam visible). -Flickering rock objects where they may appear or disappear (only visually) depending on the angle they're viewed from.
- Volumetric clouds caused significant FPS loss and had to be turned off in order to be playable
- Very low FPS despite the hardware running the game on lowest settings.
Game would completely freeze during the Character Creation screen, logs show something to do with game thread waiting for render thread:
LowLevelFatalError [File:E:\ASAContinuous\Engine\Source\Runtime\RenderCore\Private\RenderingThread.cpp] [Line: 1274] GameThread timed out waiting for RenderThread after 120.00 secs
CL: 450657 0x000000007b00cdb7 kernelbase.dll!UnknownFunction [] 0x0000000143ed3fa7 ArkAscended.exe!UnknownFunction [] 0x0000000143e81ea0 ArkAscended.exe!UnknownFunction [] 0x00000001446bad76 ArkAscended.exe!UnknownFunction [] 0x00000001446baf00 ArkAscended.exe!UnknownFunction [] 0x0000000140e59609 ArkAscended.exe!UnknownFunction [] 0x0000000140e4677c ArkAscended.exe!UnknownFunction [] 0x0000000140e5c6ea ArkAscended.exe!UnknownFunction [] 0x0000000140e5d158 ArkAscended.exe!UnknownFunction [] 0x0000000140e5d22b ArkAscended.exe!UnknownFunction [] 0x00000001471e06ea ArkAscended.exe!UnknownFunction [] 0x000000007b6146ed kernel32.dll!UnknownFunction []
Hadn't played enough to determine this fully, but there has been many crashes prior to using -dx11 launch options, so I'd consider these frequent.
Technically playable with enough tinkering to settings like r.VolumetricCloud 0
and foliage.MaxTrianglesToRender 300000
to launch within the in-game console. Which must first be enabled in the Advanced settings, the key is tilde (`) by default.
There are many issues relating to objects and effects not being rendered and/or frequently disappearing visually, as well as strong FPS drops even with these tweaks.

Crash upon launch
Tried all of the proton versions recommended by others here, but always crashes on launch, with this error:
LowLevelFatalError [File:E:\ASAContinuous\Engine\Source\Runtime\RenderCore\Private\ShaderResource.cpp] [Line: 681]
FShaderMapResource_InlineCode::InitRHI got platform PCD3D_SM6 but it is not compatible with PCD3D_SM5"

Cannot load multiplayer servers
Singleplayer launches fine, but any Unofficial server i attempt to connect to hangs on a loading screen forever. Have tried other Proton versions including GE. Will update this if it ever works, but as it is the main feature of the game does not work.

the volumetric clouds are kinda wack with artifacts
crashes constantly on non dedicated
make sure to install proton battle eye runtime in steam tools to play on offical servers

1080p 5-10 fps at lowest settings. On Windows I get 25-35 fps

Overall game is running ok'ish, but this is an ARK - do not forget initial trash optimization
Flickering Rocks on the beach
My main GPU is an iGPU from Ryzen 7950x, so I need to offload the game to dGPU (NVIDIA 4080) with the launch options.
Use GE-Proton8-21 and play on a dedicated server and its quite enjoyable, given you have the hardware to run it
Singleplayer save games are broken all the time
With GE-Proton8-21 BattlEye and therefore playing on servers works
for more fps you can use console commands to turn stuff like volumetric clouds and fog and some of the grass on the ground off. Especially the clouds give me like +20 fps. Commands are: r.VolumetricCloud 0, r.Fog 0, grass.enable 0. If you have console access enabled you can access it with the Escape menu (bottom left corner) which will actually save your last entered commands, so you dont have to write them down because you need to enter them every time you start the game

fun game but a bad game when it works its very enjoyable but its not very optimised and has a fair share of stability issues
gamemoderun mangohud %command%
bad performance sub 40 fps its fine in low stress situations but getting chased by giga you dont want framerate like that especially on the hardware i have my fix for this was disabling volumetric clouds and lowering global illumination
just ark being ark
again its what you should expect for ark me and my partner connected locally but connecting to servers hosted outside our network works but had its own share of performance issues

game runs horrible

First update broke it
Game wouldn't load at all for me with Proton 8, it threw errors about missing functions. With Proton Experimental it works in single player mode, but Battleye doesn't seem to work so no multiplayer.
But, after installing the first patch, it now fails after the splash screen with what looks like a GPU error:
LowLevelFatalError [File:E:\ASAContinuous\Engine\Source\Runtime\RenderCore\Private\ShaderResource.cpp] [Line: 681]
FShaderMapResource_InlineCode::InitRHI got platform PCD3D_SM6 but it is not compatible with PCD3D_SM5
0x000000007b00cdb7 kernelbase.dll!UnknownFunction []
0x0000000143ecf827 ArkAscended.exe!UnknownFunction []
0x0000000143e7d670 ArkAscended.exe!UnknownFunction []
0x00000001446f8475 ArkAscended.exe!UnknownFunction []
0x0000000141394076 ArkAscended.exe!UnknownFunction []
Crash in runnable thread FAsyncLoadingThread
This could be Arc-specific, I have no idea.

The performance isn't amazing but it's not amazing on Windows either at the moment. The game is a blast though with some effort.
I played online on an unofficial dedicated server with some friends, never had any issues related to Linux. The game itself has some bugginess but that was experienced by my Windows friends so I didn't list it here.
Basically not playable. You literally lose your save games every 2nd time you play.
every while my singleplayer save game is broken and I can't load into it (game keeps crashing when trying to) and I have to delete all my save games and start all over again
can't play on servers because of Battleye. Also can't deactivate Battleye protection on my Nitrado server (which I got so I could play without losing my save game everytime). Also can't setup my own server because stupid exclusivity stuff
Maybe you could join someones Singleplayer game (if thats possible?) so you can prevent losing your stuff (if thats not also Battleye protected). Haven't had the chance to test this. Other than that game is not playable because of Battleye + save game issues

Played fairly well, with NO tinkering necessary, using Proton 8.x
Worked flawlessly with Linux. Using PopOs

Kicked by BattleEye due to "Unsupported Platform"
Until they allow linux to work with BattleEye, it is unplayable on any server.

Laptop version of my RTX 3080 has only 8GB video memory, get 30-40fps on low settings