Runs better than native, using GE-Proton8-25 Framerate, stability and smoothness is better than on Windows 10 using the same hardware.
Runs better than native, the performance, FPS, smoothness, etc. is better than on Windows 10
Playing on my own dedicated server with Battleye disabled; have not tested Battleye
Battleye disabled
Requires Project Rome ( https://veniceunleashed.net/project-rome ) to be setup, including a DLL override for it's required DLL
Runs smooth, at least as good as on Windows, possibly better.
Servers without Punkbuster
I´d recommend a few config changes in gamedir/players/profiles/name/config_mp.cfg
seta com_maxfps "238" -> Set to 2 below your display refresh rate
seta cg_fov "80" -> default is 65, that's like playing with horse blinders on
Runs great, with timerefresh I'm getting >5000 FPS and in the little Hazard Course tunnel after the jumps I'm getting 15000-17000 FPS xD
"Play Icarus (DX11) or (DX12)" choice in Steam seems broken, game always runs DX11. Running with -DX12 launch option fixes this.
Play with -DX12 for an equal if not better framerate and frametimes than on Windows.
Awesome game, very addictive, the exact thing you'd expect a giant like Nintento to have executed a good 10-15 years ago!
Playing on my own internal dedicated server; serverframerate is 60 FPS with no jitter and <1ms latency
Runs as good as, if not better than, Windows.
BepInEx (optional) mods require winhttp DLL override, I used protontricks to do this easily.
Mods work fine too, but require a DLL override.
Runs a steady 240 FPS on my 240Hz screen, loving it! =D
Had to enable Steam Input for PS4 controllers to work