First update broke it
Game wouldn't load at all for me with Proton 8, it threw errors about missing functions. With Proton Experimental it works in single player mode, but Battleye doesn't seem to work so no multiplayer.
But, after installing the first patch, it now fails after the splash screen with what looks like a GPU error:
LowLevelFatalError [File:E:\ASAContinuous\Engine\Source\Runtime\RenderCore\Private\ShaderResource.cpp] [Line: 681]
FShaderMapResource_InlineCode::InitRHI got platform PCD3D_SM6 but it is not compatible with PCD3D_SM5
0x000000007b00cdb7 kernelbase.dll!UnknownFunction []
0x0000000143ecf827 ArkAscended.exe!UnknownFunction []
0x0000000143e7d670 ArkAscended.exe!UnknownFunction []
0x00000001446f8475 ArkAscended.exe!UnknownFunction []
0x0000000141394076 ArkAscended.exe!UnknownFunction []
Crash in runnable thread FAsyncLoadingThread
This could be Arc-specific, I have no idea.
Once I was able to get it working, it's fine to play (~1 hr in). Some artifacts, but so far they don't make it difficult to play.
Artifacts during pre-menu screen, and lots of "black snow" during gameplay
Could not get this to work at all with D3D11 or Vulkan prior to using the Kisak PPA for latest Mesa (23.1.5 as I write this). Vulkan would crash at the pre-menu/eula screen and ask for me to submit a report. D3D11 would cause a GPU hang and force a power cycle.
It takes a long time for Steam to process Vulkan shaders on initial start or if your graphics driver changes.
It also took a very long time for the game to 'boot' the first time, before you even see the Larian screen. I saw this on both Steam Deck and PC. On PC, I would get prompts from Steam to wait or force quit. I just had to keep clicking wait for a while. Subsequent game loads haven't shown this behavior.