Using protontricks, it's easy to install both Physx and the Community patch. Other methods noted are overcomplicated and don't have to be.
RADV_PERFTEST=gpl %command%
There's an overcomplicated guide out there on how to get this game to work by installing Physix and the community patch that involves renaming the executable so that steam runs into something else, then running the game through steam, shifting wine prefixes and whatnot, and everyone else that wrote a report for this game seems to follow this but there's a better way.
Use protontricks.
- In the GUI, select Sacred 2 Gold.
- Select the default wine prefix.
- Run an arbitrary executable.
Then find the Physx installer in the game's folder, run that, and when you download the patch, run cm-enable.exe the same way. This will install both Physx and the Community patch without the complicated need to rename the game executable so that Steam could run it. That's why we have protontricks, use it.
That's it, the game runs after that, and DON'T use PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1, the game will lag constantly. Just play the game without it.
TInkering required, but perfectly playable after you use protontricks to install those 2 executables, Physics and cm-enable. Just select the game prefix, and select to install arbitrary executable. That's it.
Also, apparently, the patch introduces some bug according to this: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1E1w4kITmNQVy67bliuvwwwaQMKS5gURbTU3sSdObriM/edit?tab=t.0
The last paragraph is a fix, and just involves editing a text file and changing "1000" to "1". So, easy enough. Don't follow the rest of it though, just use protontricks, it should work perfectly fine instead of messing with the game exe and wine prefixes.

I tried running it by changing to different versions of Proton in steam, installing PhysX by renaming the files, etc. The problem im facing there is that there will always be a Popup that the program is not responding, which appears over and over again. The only thing that worked for me is using the autosetup of the GOG version in Lutris. I still get one Popup that it is not responding but after clicking wait it works perfectly fine. There is probably a way to get the steam version also working, but it's just too much of a hassle, so Lutris it is. I hope this will help someone with the same problem!

I made a guide to help someone on reddit play this game and I may as well post this here https://docs.google.com/document/d/1E1w4kITmNQVy67bliuvwwwaQMKS5gURbTU3sSdObriM/edit?tab=t.0
The game cannot be enjoyed without tinkering sadly although for many this is the case on windows without the community patch and psychx install!
Installed PhysX https://github.com/ValveSoftware/Proton/issues/545
нцжно зайти в папку
home/deck/.steam/steamapps/common/Sacred 2 Gold/redist/PhysX
скопировать экзешник Physx и переместить его в папку
home/deck/.steam/steamapps/common/Sacred 2 Gold/redist
и при запуске игры через игровой режим стим предложит установить Physx

Install PhysX: https://github.com/ValveSoftware/Proton/issues/545
Changing Graphic settings shows me a black screen. Have to navigate (blind) to the prev menu, to show the screen again.
Install PhysX https://github.com/ValveSoftware/Proton/issues/545 OPTIONAL: Install Community Path https://darkmatters.org/forums/index.php?/files/file/91-community-patch/ (Use the same technique as for PhysX) (Direct Donwload Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4NHnU5igGLnWmRYNWdyRGg5MU0/view?resourcekey=0-tN_cMGpfGvw5TQMGvkrzQQ)
used to get into regedit
GOG Version
Install Directx, MSVC2005, MSVC2005_x86, PHYSX & PHYSXLEGACY from the _redist folder
Use wine tricks to access the registry add the following keys to hkey_local_machine\software\ascaron entertainment\sacred 2:
language=en_UK speech=en_UK movietrack=6
the key values will be different if your not using English
language=fr_FR speech=fr_FR movietrack=7
language=de_DE speech=de_DE movietrack=5
language=it_IT speech=it_IT movietrack=9
language=es_ES speech=es_ES movietrack=8
these values are from the steam version install script.
Need to install PhysX. https://github.com/ValveSoftware/Proton/issues/545
Das Spiel startet nach der Installation durch das Script "GOG(Auto) version" über Lutris ohne Probleme.
GOG(Auto) version
Beim Start kommt die Meldung das Sacred 2 nicht reagiert. Einfach warten, startet ganz normal.

Das Spiel ließ sich wunderbar nach der Installation durch das GOG Auto Script über Lutris starten.
GOG(Auto) version
Beim Start kommt die Meldung das Sacred 2 nicht reagiert. Einfach warten, startet trotzdem.
Used protontricks to install Physx
Once you install Physx with protontricks the game is totally playable. Controls are not super intuitive on the deck and I think there's room to make a better control layout than any of the existing community options.
Will update with a new review if I come up with a control layout I'm happier with, just wanted people to know the game is playable on Deck with some quick tinkering!
Had to copy PhysX to the correct folder. As others already mentioned, then it ran fine (although the intros where black screen with sound only and needed to be skipped):
cp -a ~/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Sacred\ 2\ Gold/redist/PhysX/PhysX_9.10.0513_SystemSoftware.exe ~/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Sacred\ 2\ Gold/redist/

protontricks vcrun2005 physx win7; disable openal portaudio backend and force it to use alsa
Missing textures occur, if openal is used with portaudio backend, which defaults to Jack as audio device. This leads to _DN_FLUSH to be set, which will remove all textures in the menu except the player and plains in menu and everything including the player in-game. Also singleplayer startup will stop with a blackscreen. This has been tracked by Wine Bug #52393 and introduced in commit f99d307a3e1f9beb7fd9dc8892b5cfabbabf816b (5.0-rc3-23), which did unhide the bug from openal.
Without a virtual desktop, the game may lead to missing video signal to X on Nvidia drivers.
The game crashes with any proton/wine version on game start (after main menu), until it is started with 1080p resolution. Afterwards it will run in higher resolutions. Occasionally the game might crash on area changes.
Click game -> Manage -> Browse local files. Copy file "PhysX_9.10.0513_SystemSoftware.exe" from "redist/PhysX/" directory to "redist/" directory. Then, game will start fine.

Does not run on AMD card
I did install physx and I even applied the community patch from nexus mods to see if that solved the problem. No it did not.
I can't get it working on my amd card.

Pushed "Start" and game did nothing and failed to start.
It is not running.

Game starts but will not play
Game starts up without a hitch. However, it crashes after you start the game, before the intro video. I suspect my issue has to do with running Nvidia's PhysX on an AMD GPU. This should work on Windows, however, so the problem is, more than likely, an unknown tweak that is needed. I tried installing PhysX manually, and the installer claims it is already installed. I tried installing PhysX with protontricks, and protontricks claims PhysX is already installed. I tied uninstalling PhysX and then manually running the PhysX installer to reinstall. All to no avail.
Yes they would if they're willing to do the legwork on those games that don't run straight out of the box.
Would not launch from steam, had to rename PhysX_9.10.0513_SystemSoftware.exe to sacred2.exe replace it with the orginal file and launch the game from desktop shortcut because wouldn't launch within steam. To get the files to install then had to move it back once it was done. Now working perfectly fine.

Just copy PhysX_9.10.0513_SystemSoftware.exe from redist/PhysX/
to redist/
in game folder. No replacing of the game executable needed.
Trick was found by inspecting installscript.vdf, which expects to find the PhysX installer at redist/PhysX_9.10.0513_SystemSoftware.exe
instead of redist/PhysX/PhysX_9.10.0513_SystemSoftware.exe
where it actually is.
After that, install of PhysX was successful.
Black Screen after Intro Cutscene. Maybe a RADV specific problem, since most other successful reports have NVIDIA or Intel graphics

5.9-GE-5-ST GloriousEggroll
I get a message popup "Are you sure youwant to proceed?" with options [Wait] and [Force Quit] during loading screen/videos. Just click "Wait" and everything seems to be fine.

5.6-GE-2 GloriousEggroll

The fix from below (https://www.protondb.com/app/225640#XnLa1K3L4I) worked!
this works for me https://github.com/ValveSoftware/Proton/issues/545
Go into "SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Sacred 2 Gold/redist/PhysX" folder and copy the "PhysX_9.10.0513_SystemSoftware.exe"
Paste the executable into "SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Sacred 2 Gold/system/" folder.
Rename the file "sacred2.exe" to "sacred2.exe.old"
Rename "PhysX_9.10.0513_SystemSoftware.exe" to "sacred2.exe".
Run the game from Steam and let the PhysX installer run and install it.
Go back to the "SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Sacred 2 Gold/system/" and rename (or delete) the "sacred2.exe" dummy file and rename the "sacred2.exe.old" back to "sacred2.exe".
Launch the game again and it should run.

Crashes at the start or hangs when the game's logo appears on screen. Using tweaks form the Internet I managed to make it start on Linux (Manjaro), but there is no sound and graphics are scrambled.

installed physx with protontricks

Игра запустилась после установки PhysX, выдает от 20 до 40 FPS на средних настройках графики.

Requires physx. Can be installed manually via winetricks/protontricks (protontricks 225640 physx). Game runs 100% perfect once physx is present, have seen no platform-specific bugs whatsoever after ~30 hours of play.

this works for me https://github.com/ValveSoftware/Proton/issues/545
- Go into "SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Sacred 2 Gold/redist/PhysX" folder and copy the "PhysX_9.10.0513_SystemSoftware.exe"
- Paste the executable into "SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Sacred 2 Gold/system/" folder.
- Rename the file "sacred2.exe" to "sacred2.exe.old"
- Rename "PhysX_9.10.0513_SystemSoftware.exe" to "sacred2.exe".
- Run the game from Steam and let the PhysX installer run and install it.
- Go back to the "SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Sacred 2 Gold/system/" and rename (or delete) the "sacred2.exe" dummy file and rename the "sacred2.exe.old" back to "sacred2.exe".
- Launch the game again and it should run.

Requires physx. Can be installed manually via winetricks/protontricks (protontricks 225640 physx). Game runs cleanly once physx is present, no noticeable issues thus far.

Does not launch

Fails to start!

Does not launch

just doesn't start