Set 2 custom steam shortcuts (make sure to enable file type to all files) to each of the following .exes:
homex: "/Mirror 2 Project X/HomeX/Mirror2_HomeX.exe"
main game: "/Mirror 2 Project X/ProjectX/Mirror2_X.exe"
Download and install custom GE proton with ProtonUpQT from the discover store so videos work.
right click on the shortcut -> properties -> compatibility -> select the proton version
eval $(echo "%command%" | sed "s|Launcher\/Mirror2.ProjectX.Launcher.exe|HomeX\/Mirror2_HomeX\/Binaries\/Win64\/Mirror2_HomeX-Win64-Shipping.exe|")
eval $(echo "%command%" | sed "s|Launcher\/Mirror2.ProjectX.Launcher.exe|ProjectX\/Mirror2\/Binaries\/Win64\/Mirror2_X-Win64-Shipping.exe|")
Use the first start-up option if you want to play Home Mode, and use the second start-up option if you want to play the main game.
eval $(echo "%command%" | sed "s|Launcher\/Mirror2.ProjectX.Launcher.exe|ProjectX\/Mirror2\/Binaries\/Win64\/Mirror2_X-Win64-Shipping.exe|")
Videos don't seem to play and instead show a TV color bars image
I recommend disabling or downgrading post processing. Go to: steamapps/compatdata/1832640/pfx/dosdevices/c:/users/steamuser/AppData/Local/Mirror2/Saved/Config/WindowsNoEditor/GameUserSettings.ini edit graphics to your liking then save
Set launch option to
eval $(echo "%command%" | sed "s|Launcher\/Mirror2.ProjectX.Launcher.exe|ProjectX\/Mirror2\/Binaries\/Win64\/Mirror2_X-Win64-Shipping.exe|")
in order to skip the launcher. (Launcher does not work)
minimal framedrops
After completing a route the game fades to white and has to be manually unstuck by pressing the menu button and going to main menu.
Launcher Options needed: eval $(echo "%command%" | sed "s|Launcher/Mirror2.ProjectX.Launcher.exe|ProjectX/Mirror2/Binaries/Win64/Mirror2_X-Win64-Shipping.exe|")
These Launch Options helped bypass the launcher:
eval $(echo "%command%" | sed "s|Launcher\/Mirror2.ProjectX.Launcher.exe|ProjectX\/Mirror2\/Binaries\/Win64\/Mirror2_X-Win64-Shipping.exe|")
Thanks, Xeloses.
sub 20 fps after menus
The launcher just does not work. Appears as a white rectangle at best.
eval $(echo "%command%" | sed "s|Launcher\/Mirror2.ProjectX.Launcher.exe|ProjectX\/Mirror2\/Binaries\/Win64\/Mirror2_X-Win64-Shipping.exe|")
Doesn't launch, even with tweaks
Proton-7.0rc6-GE-1 GloriousEggroll
Changed launch options to: eval $( echo "%command%" | sed "s/Launcher/Mirror2.ProjectX.Launcher.exe'.*/ProjectX/Mirror2/Binaries/Win64/Mirror2_X-Win64-Shipping.exe'/" )
Doesn't play MPEG video on the loading screens (but loading is fast even on SATA HDD, so it's not a big problem). Doesn't show images/video in the tutorial, but text explanation in the tutorial is enough.
To bypass game launcher and start the game directly - open game properties dialogue in Steam and add the string below to the launch options input box:
eval $(echo "%command%" | sed "s|Launcher\/Mirror2.ProjectX.Launcher.exe|ProjectX\/Mirror2\/Binaries\/Win64\/Mirror2_X-Win64-Shipping.exe|")
For better perfomance use Proton Experimental.
Bypass the Launcher with Launch option:
eval $( echo "%command%" | sed "s/Launcher/Mirror2.ProjectX.Launcher.exe'.*/ProjectX/Mirror2/Binaries/Win64/Mirror2_X-Win64-Shipping.exe'/" )
The launcher is a white rectangle
Sometimes doesn't even show up. Tried different proton versions and GE. Will have to try bypassing the launcher altogether. For now, though, it's not functional.
Open the game shows a white screen
Loading screens without textures (but loading is very fast, so it's not a big problem). No images in the tutorial, but text explanation in the tutorial is enough.
To play game add this string:eval $(echo "%command%" | sed "s|Launcher\/Mirror2.ProjectX.Launcher.exe|ProjectX\/Mirror2\/Binaries\/Win64\/Mirror2_X-Win64-Shipping.exe|")
to the game launch parameters in the game options dialogue.
Game shows white screen
Also tried with Proton Experimental and Proton-GE-7.0rc6 without success
Played a few matches. Game runs smooth. Did not notice graphical or sound related glitches.
eval $( echo "%command%" | sed "s/Launcher/Mirror2.ProjectX.Launcher.exe'.*/ProjectX/Mirror2/Binaries/Win64/Mirror2_X-Win64-Shipping.exe'/" )
The launcher does not work. Put the code above in the games Steam launch options to skip the launcher.
(Reported experimental version: Current Experimental)
Bypass game launcher
Set launch options to PROTON_DUMP_DEBUG_COMMANDS=1 %command% Launch the game then close/kill so the below directory is created.
Open a terminal in root/tmp/proton_user (you) ./run taskmgr.exe and click New Task Navigate to "ProjectX/Mirror2/Binaries/Win64/Mirror2_X-Win64-Shipping.exe" Press Ok.
To change the games language to English click the global in the top right, and its the last option.