What doesn't work is just one video without launch options.
PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 %command%
protontricks 1985260 -q wmp11
Need to alt-tab back in if you change settings from the top bar.
Proton 7.0-4 works, just no videos.
eval $(echo "%command%" | sed "s|Launcher\/Mirror2.ProjectX.Launcher.exe|HomeX\/Mirror2_HomeX\/Binaries\/Win64\/Mirror2_HomeX-Win64-Shipping.exe|")
eval $(echo "%command%" | sed "s|Launcher\/Mirror2.ProjectX.Launcher.exe|ProjectX\/Mirror2\/Binaries\/Win64\/Mirror2_X-Win64-Shipping.exe|")
Use the first start-up option if you want to play Home Mode, and use the second start-up option if you want to play the main game.
This game freezes so ocassionally and unpredictably that I would not consider it as "playable".
VKD3D_CONFIG=nodxr %command%
This game freezes so much it should not be considered as playable.
I installed this game on a Windows 10 virtual machine, and I will say that it is worth the hassle and time setting one up. It is a shame that it runs poorly on Linux. (Even on windows freezes can happen, but much less frequently)
VKD3D_CONFIG=nodxr %command%
Game Locks Up very easily and unpredictably.
I installed this game on a Windows 10 virtual machine, and I will say that it is worth the hassle and time setting one up. It is a shame that it runs poorly on Linux. (Even on windows freezes can happen, but much less frequently)