eval "$(echo "%command%" | sed 's/+connect.*$//')"
Mic was ear raping
Game used only 50% of my GPU
```eval "$(echo "%command%" | sed 's/+connect.*$//')"```
Works without problem.
eval "$(echo "%command%" | sed 's/+connect.*$//')"
It was lagging a lot. But aside from that, it worked fine for me :3
The game is playable and enjoyable after forcing proton experimental and command line options
eval "$(echo "%command%" | sed 's/+connect.*$//')"
View would seeminly randomly flick to a direction.
I enjoyed it, just i dont know if its my hardware or The fact i am using Proton, I got 30-60 fps which is expected.
eval "$(echo "%command%" | sed 's/+connect.*$//')"
No lag, no nothing, Just maybe the Voice quality and The fact that the game is dead meaning not a lot of Lobbys, also it works with Cracked Clinets.
eval "$(echo "%command%" | sed 's/+connect.*$//')"
game runs just as on windows, altough setup takes a few seconds
The game worked perfectly after a quick fix (proton experimental and custom launch option).
To get this game working, switch to proton experimental, and add the following to your launch options:
eval "$(echo "%command%" | sed 's/+connect.*$//')"
After this, the game worked flawlessly.
Won't launch OOTB, makes it to an infinite loading screen using a funky launch option. Either way, unplayable.
This is due to a messy proton initialisation where certain launch strings are interpreted in proton as Linux command shell redirections.
However, by placing the launch option eval "$(echo "%command%" | sed 's/+connect.*$//')" inside the launch options menu, the game will launch, and it'll be able to go through the first time launch prompts (Language, Tutorial prompt).
Afterwards, the game will throw an error in the top right stating it can't connect to the proprietary voice chat servers, and it'll be stuck in an infinite loading screen.
Unfortunately, this game is borked.
Until this changes, Dual boot or use KVM.
Installs but doesn't launch with any proton version. (Tried GE also)
Game launched to black screen, custom cursor, nothing else
TL;DR, Wine gave a GL buffer error, tried installing Direct X 11 (as given in an error report by the game), but didnt get anywhere.
I could not get the game to do anything with proton, but launching it manually with wine made it load into a black screen with the games custom cursor, but nothing else.
Lots of GL buffer errors were shown in the terminal, which one user on reddit (https://www.reddit.com/r/wine_gaming/comments/g0vroz/opengl_buffer_error/) said to set the __GL_ExtensionStringVersion export with wine to 17700. I tried this, and the game gave an error saying I needed to install DirectX 11. I installed that with winetricks, which made the errors go away, but still no video or audio output.
Sadly doesn't launch under any Proton version yet...
Doesn't launch with any proton versions (+ ge & lutris & stella)
Does not launch at all with Proton GE
Launches, doesn't load.
eval "$(echo "%command%" | sed 's/+connect.*$//')" in launch options was able to start the game but Vivox voice stops the game from loading.
Got the game to start but loading screen displays Voice Chat Error
From the information gathered from this Github issue (https://github.com/ValveSoftware/Proton/issues/4316), I managed to get the game to start with the launch option mentioned ->
eval "$(echo "%command%" | sed 's/+connect.*$//')"
All this does is remove the broken argument for connecting to steam game lobbies "+connect_lobby <64-bit lobby Steam ID>" because the '<' and '>' are not being escaped properly.
However, as also stated in the issue, the game never loads; seeming to fail to connect to the Vivox Voice Servers. You can read more about how mrc0mmand has tried to debug the issue. I hope that some Wine/Proton wizard is able to find a workaround.
A non-runner.
Installs, tries to launch, but immediately quits. No version of proton gets it fired up.
Don't Start at all
The Game does install but dont start on every Proton version at all. I even had a bug where the game wont download at all, but i think that a steam issue.
Tried many proton versions none worked
even used GE versions