Probably could get away with out of the box but I found these tweaks to help fix some small issues:
Enabling vsync fixes stuttering. Applying the vs_redistx64 patch fixes desync in multiplayer.
Got the game to start but loading screen displays Voice Chat Error
From the information gathered from this Github issue (https://github.com/ValveSoftware/Proton/issues/4316), I managed to get the game to start with the launch option mentioned ->
eval "$(echo "%command%" | sed 's/+connect.*$//')"
All this does is remove the broken argument for connecting to steam game lobbies "+connect_lobby <64-bit lobby Steam ID>" because the '<' and '>' are not being escaped properly.
However, as also stated in the issue, the game never loads; seeming to fail to connect to the Vivox Voice Servers. You can read more about how mrc0mmand has tried to debug the issue. I hope that some Wine/Proton wizard is able to find a workaround.