Works almost perfect
Slight micro stuttering
Newer proton versions have made a dramatic increase to performance but there still is some slight issues.
Using proton GE the game runs fine. I expect future versions of mainline proton to work too.
Proton-7.0rc3-GE-1 GloriousEggroll
Proton GE
Seemed to work as expected
Game did not launch on first try, but worked fine after that.
fish time
When loading something for the first time I assume there's supposed to be a cutscene but there is just a black screen. You can skip this by holding any key.
Works pretty good
The selection triangles sometimes flashed even when you weren't hovering over them.
Launches, doesn't load.
eval "$(echo "%command%" | sed 's/+connect.*$//')" in launch options was able to start the game but Vivox voice stops the game from loading.
Was a little slow to launch first time i tried to then worked great after that.
Occasional stuttering especially in cutscenes.
As suggested in another report I added the launch option RADV_PERFTEST=aco %command% which helped performance for my amd card.
Proton-5.9-GE-8-ST GloriousEggroll
The first few cut-scenes were all black and nothing I did fixed them. They can be easily skipped though.