Worked amazing on Proton 7
Very slight performance issues but not enough to be noticable
The Alt+Tab issues can get annoying but apart from that the game works perfectly fine.
Works Great!
Crashes were so inconsistent and random it might not be fair to blame this on proton.
I love playing the old COD Zombies with mates and having this just work was amazing, I love how proton is progressing however very very very rarely (once every few weeks maximum) will fps drop to unplayable frame rate but I do not believe this is enough to effect the overall expierence
Works well overall installed on btrfs
Once you have alt+tab out of the game and alt+tab back into the game the tab key will no longer work until you have pressed alt+enter twice
Every time the game is started driver warning shows "Installed: 485.46 Required: 497.9 or newer" however pressing play has no significant impact
Click play and ur off
Works exactly the same as on windows
The game works amazingly expect these 3 issues: Firstly the game will sometimes remain open in the background and would either need killing via kill/htop or a reboot, Secondly sometimes when alt-tabbing on the loading screen the game will be stuck on a black screen and needed a restart, Lastly this game does not work on my Debian stable installation which is most likely due to the older syslibs.
Very rarely would the mouse disappear in menus
The game is playable and enjoyable after forcing proton experimental and command line options
eval "$(echo "%command%" | sed 's/+connect.*$//')"
View would seeminly randomly flick to a direction.
After you get past the fps drops its as enjoyable as windows
When first loaded there was many fps drops but they seemed to chill after 10 minutes or so
Works Great however..
Game cant seem to understand what I am saying sometimes (Spirt box)
Very few crashes especially on the demanding campsite map
The game works great however not having voice detection makes the game alot harder unless you have a windows user with you.
Game ran perfectly
Game entered full screen at 720p but didnt border the entire screen Capped at 60fps but thats not protons fault