Game is plagued by issues that appear even on Windows. It works but is an aggravating experience.
I believe this is a Windows issue as well but sometimes the horn and bell just outright stop working on the trains.
Windows issue as well - Loading into a save can bork the signals.
Extreme stuttering when transitioning in and out of cutscenes.
It is a good game, simple and good for what it is.
occasional hiccups, sometimes up to 8s
A new crash in Southeast Highspeed. Otherwise, none.
Tech support will brush you off if you report anything. Don't bother. Even for unrelated things, the OS is their "Get out of ticket free!" card.
Runs as expected, uses DXVK, slightly lower fps compared to windows sometimes but the performance is nearly the same most of the time.
Runs fairly well without touching anything. However i strongly recommend playing around with the Engine.ini file.
gamemoderun %command%
The game doesn't give you much control over the graphic settings. You can add your own settings and turn off and on various options via the games "engine.ini" file. See this helpful guide for more info...
alternativley you can add these if your gpu is of a simillar spec and play with the values a bit.
[SystemSettings] r.SceneColorFringe.Max=0 r.SceneColorFringeQuality=0 r.Tonemapper.Quality=0 r.MaxAnisotropy=8 r.BloomQuality=5 FrameRateLimit=60.000000 r.DepthOfFieldQuality=0 r.Shadow.MaxResolution=512 r.Shadow.MaxCSMResolution=512 r.Streaming.PoolSize=600 r.AmbientOcclusion.Method=1
Exactlly the same as windows
While the game runs pretty well out of the box. You have much more control over the graphic settings by tweaking the engine.ini file. this can give a weaker gpu more performance and even a powerful gpu better visuals than the in game settings let you have.
mangohud %command%
Setting effect quality above Medium causes massive lag spikes when turning the camera, as long as it stays on medium or below, there's no other issue.
Game freezes when moving the camera
Runs okay unless you move your mouse 🙃 The FPS is about half of what you'd get on Windows. Less on maps with populated areas.
Works well
Some stuttering
Used to work fine, however the latest update has made the game unplayable.
Mixing joystick input alongside keyboard and mouse emulation causes the game to go crazy switching between mouse/gamepad controls constantly.
Severe lag/framedrops introduced in latest update, previously it worked fine.
Game hangs frequently but recovers instead of crashing.
The latest update seems to have made the game unplayably laggy (as in huge input latency spikes and frame drops) on steam deck, previously it worked fine.
Lower perfomance than windows
Performance might be influenced by my old CPU but I'm not sure
Looks great on low settings on this small display
Framerate on low settings is great and game looks good. Lowering it improves battery life and looks worse, but it's and ok conpromise. Overall playability is great
Unable to load library steam_api64.dll
Can not start
Funktioniert flüssig, Out-Of-The-Box
Per TAB aus dem Programm wechseln funktioniert nicht.
works fairly great if you use proton ge 7-1, if not, i had stuttering in my deck all over!
30 fps limit
Some stuttering in random situations, but not problematic
Like-native experience
Sometimes quits without warning after computer locks the screen after inactivity
Works fine out of the box
Some stutter when moving the mouse fast
Game doesn't start
Tried with PROTON_USE_SECCOMP=1 and symlinking the steam api dll but nothing works after latest update.
The game runs but with <10 FPS and frequent lag spikes. Seems to be common for users with AMD CPUs.
Symlinked steam_api64.dll as explained in other reports
Works like a charm most of the time, however, sometimes the game drops framerate to ~1 fps and everything (in-game time, response to input, menu animations) slows down dramatically. This appears to be linked to passing specific places in specific scenarios: So far, I've (reproducibly) encountered it when driving along a specific curve just west of Köln Hbf in "ICE and Rain" (SFS Köln-Aachen) and when approaching Kilburn Park Station in "Zone One" (Bakerloo Line). In the latter case, I tried to finish the scenario and the two remaining in-game minutes took more than twenty minutes real time. This also affects all subsequent menus and simulations until the game is restarted.
Again, other than in those two cases the game has (so far) worked wonderfully, although I fear that there may be more of these problems.
Works really good!
Sometimes minor fps-drops
Custom liveries occasionally appear transparent in scenarios.
Poor performance
Shadow Quality and Effects Quality settings seem to have weird performance scaling. Turning the Shadow Quality to Off decreased the frame rate compared to Medium which is completely counter-intuitive. Also the settings don't seem to persist between game restarts.
Seems to run fine with decent FPS.
Controller is a Raildriver, its unsupported on Linux there is inbuilt support for Raildriver in TSW 2 in Windows, but not recognised in Proton.
works great with the current experimental proton build
does not start the game
copied the steam_api64.dll to the correct folder which got rid of the error where the game wouldn't start but now after doing this the game just goes to a black screen and then closes and goes back to the desktop
For the most part it runs like native
Mouse sensitivity was fairly high. Adjusting the settings made no difference, but I'm not sure if they do on Windows either, since there is no setting that specifically mentions "mouse"
Save games just don't work in this game. They only save part of the state so there's a good chance your train will mysteriously malfunction or you'll be stuck waiting for a signal that's never gonna let you through. From what I heard this is the case on Windows, too.
The game did dip under 60 fps sometimes, usually only at large stations. I can't compare to Windows as I haven't tried that, but given how the game looks it's not something I'd expect to be very taxing for my hardware.
There's also some stuttering when loading new areas. Especially when loading into an area for the first time. The stutters are pretty significant, but if you just look around you until it ends after loading in it's not really something you will notice during gameplay.
It has crashed a couple times, but fewer times than I've gotten stuck because of game bugs regarding signals and save games, which is not Linux specific.
Made sure that Steam Beta was installed and applied the steam_api64.dll fix as listed on other reports
Again this is only during first launch when you have to look around
This is only during initial first run load where you have to look around, there was a delay in graphics, however after that everything returned to normal and no other speed or graphic issues were experiences
I initially struggled to get this game installed. I can offer these pointers. Make sure you are not using flatpack version Make sure Steam is beta version Proton experimental works just fine Based on Glorius Eggroll version, make sure wine staging is installed, and wine tricks. I also installed proton trick for another game. (I have no idea if any of this attributed anything, but previously nothing would work for me)
I have default steam client installed, Nvidia 470 drivers and game does not load at all
Starts OK, underground part of Bakerloo line works OK, but when on the surface, there are multiple places on the map where the game almost freezes and only produces about 0.2 FPS with a 100% GPU load. Changing graphics settings, using Proton-GE, etc may change where it occurs, but not fix it completely.
Thanks to loeffler.marcel on Drovetail forums: Copy steam_api64.dll from folder: "steamapps/common/Train Sim World 2/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Binaries/ThirdParty/Steamworks/Steamv147"/Win64 to folder: "steamapps/compatdata/1282590/pfx/drive_c/windows/system32"
Game stops working fine after alt+tab
Same as the Windows version
After the Rush-Hour Update the Game missed to find the steam_api64.dll
I have symlinked 'Steam/steamapps/compatdata/1282590/pfx/drive_c/windows/system32/steam_api64.dll' -> 'Steam/steamapps/common/Train Sim World 2/WindowsNoEditor/TS2Prototype/Binaries/Win64/steam_api64.dll' to workarround this problem
Just edit the follow line to your paths and run "ln -s 'Steam/steamapps/common/Train Sim World 2/WindowsNoEditor/TS2Prototype/Binaries/Win64/steam_api64.dll' 'Steam/steamapps/compatdata/1282590/pfx/drive_c/windows/system32/steam_api64.dll' "
Rush Hour update broke the game because of a missing DLL. steam_api64.dll has to be downloaded manually and placed in C:\windows\system32 to be able to start the game.
Video sequences do not play sometimes
Startup fails with "Unable to load library steam_api64.dll" after Rush Hour update
The game was running just fine under Proton Experimental and Proton GE for months, but following yesterday's Rush Hour update, I can't get it to load at all. It simply pops up a dialog that says "Unable to load library steam_api64.dll". I attempted to swap out this DLL with older versions to no effect. Very disappointed as I really enjoyed TSW2 and was excited for the new DLC.
Works fine, the game itself can be a bit buggy with random crashes and the audio tends to stutter after a while, like on Windows
Alt tabbing causes input to become unresponsive. Crashes are possible but just as often as on Windows.
Worked out of the box
Great performance, with minimal slowdowns or frame drops.
In my case, the videos present at the start of the game were not displaying any video. The rest of the game and menus were fine.
Everything works great
on first minutes of playing the game the motion freeze for 2 seconds
After latest changes works very well.
Almost always crashed after lose window focus (without that works very well)
Works really well
I tried it with Proton Experimental and it works really well. Videos are not always playing, but this doesn't affect the gameplay experience. When spawning in, there is lag for a few seconds. Other than that, really playable.
Works better than expected
When ending some tutorial, or just about to enter on a new route. I experienced some freezes, but the route was saved correctly.
Best try proton 6.3-4. I started with proton experimental, but the game was inestable, other times it didn't boot...