Speedie Kangaroo
Single player works perfectly without any frame rate issues and no tweaks required. Online also works the same however as others have reported to stop it crashing after the loading screen you need to right click the game in your library, select properties, click set launch options, paste WINEDLLOVERRIDES=winedbg.exe=d %command%
into the box and online will work as normal.
Runs fairly well without touching anything. However i strongly recommend playing around with the Engine.ini file.
gamemoderun %command%
The game doesn't give you much control over the graphic settings. You can add your own settings and turn off and on various options via the games "engine.ini" file. See this helpful guide for more info...
alternativley you can add these if your gpu is of a simillar spec and play with the values a bit.
[SystemSettings] r.SceneColorFringe.Max=0 r.SceneColorFringeQuality=0 r.Tonemapper.Quality=0 r.MaxAnisotropy=8 r.BloomQuality=5 FrameRateLimit=60.000000 r.DepthOfFieldQuality=0 r.Shadow.MaxResolution=512 r.Shadow.MaxCSMResolution=512 r.Streaming.PoolSize=600 r.AmbientOcclusion.Method=1
Exactlly the same as windows
While the game runs pretty well out of the box. You have much more control over the graphic settings by tweaking the engine.ini file. this can give a weaker gpu more performance and even a powerful gpu better visuals than the in game settings let you have.
Had to decrease Texture streaming pool due to my limited 4GB Vram. Without this option i found the game would start of running fine but gradualy reduce the fps to 2-3fps. I never had this problem in windows so i suspect it has something to do with the way dxvk uses more VRAM than native.
The fix is fairly easy, if you have 4GB Vram and are struggling with this add
to C:\Users<UserName>\Documents\My Games\TrainSimWorld2\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor\Engine.ini.
All other settings ingame are set to medium and I get on average 55fps - 35fps.
Some slight problems with vram. these were easily fixed
Game runs well stutters are present but are to do with the game since i also had these when i breifly tried it on windows