MANGOHUD_CONFIG=full,no_display WINEDLLOVERRIDES="dinput8=n,b" mangohud %command%
Just like Cold Steel III, the game won't close properly if you exit from the main menu. Just close the game directly in the Steam client and it works just fine.
Any Cold Steel III report should more or less be the same as a Cold Steel IV report, as both games run on more or less the same engine. Aside from the issue of the game not closing, they function more or less perfectly.
As usual, you can use SenPatcher with this game. It doesn't have a whole lot of fixes for Cold Steel IV, but I used it nonetheless because it allows you to disable the game capturing your mouse movement, which I found to be a little annoying when using a controller. If you do, don't forget your WINEDLLOVERRIDES
Works as great as Trails of Cold Steel III
Save data from previous games aren't detected automatically. In order to do that do the following:
Make sure you have run the game at least once. There are two methods you can do to be able to link previous games clear data.
Method 1: Copy the previous games save directory into Cold Steel 4's save directory. The location should be at $HOME/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/1198090/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/Saved Games/Falcom
Method 2: Use symlink
- In the terminal change directory to $HOME/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/1198090/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/Saved Games/Falcom
- For Cold Steel 1 Save Data: ln -s $HOME/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/538680/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/Saved\ Games/FALCOM/ed8 .
- For Cold Steel 2 Save Data: ln -s $HOME/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/748490/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/Saved\ Games/FALCOM/ed8_2 .
- For Cold Steel 3 Save Data: ln -s $HOME/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/991270/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/Saved\ Games/Falcom/
Cannot quit the game from the main menu. Use steam overlay or the client to force close the game.
some ui was a little small
frezze if exited from the title screen
Crashes when exiting
When trying to close the game it freezes instead of stopping the process. Alt+Tab to steam and close it via the launcher works though.
Unable to exit game from main menu. Use the "Exit game" option from the Steam menu instead.
Stable 60fps with a few minor exceptions in extremely busy battles using following game settings:
Resolution - 1280x720@60
Anti-aliasing - Disabled
Transparency supersampling - Disabled
Anisotropic filtering - Enabled
Shadow - Medium
Shadow distance - Low
Shadow filtering - Off
Ambient - Off
Draw distant - Console
Higher quality postprocessing - Disabled
Plays perfectly, but freezes on exit and has to be manually killed.
Very occasional pop or crackle. Hardly noticeable.
The game cannot be closed from the in-game menu. You have to alt-tab out and stop it in steam, or bring up the steam overlay and close it there.
I've put in over 50 hours into this game on Linux, including completing the game. Other than the close-game bug, I had no major problems at all. Using pipewire for audio, there was a very occasional pop or crackle, probably once or twice an hour. It seemed to only affect the music, not sfx or voices. I did not try it with pulseaudio. It actually seemed to run a bit better than CSIII, but that might just be the newer drivers and proton version. Works with freesync/gsync if you have it configured correctly.
Once the random crashes are fixed, they will enjoy playing it with proton
i'm using bluetooth speakers
The game randomly crashes during long cutscenes or during gameplay
Did not use any customization
Axes were overly sensitive, despite using lowest sensitivity in in-game settings. Axes work fine elsewhere.
Given my hardware, certain locations do experience significant lag, and it carries forward to subsequent map areas, even if the area is usually fine on a fresh load.
And yes, I was using an older Proton, as I started playing before reports were made. I used the same version I did while playing Sen 3.
Cold Steel 4 has the same issue as Cold Steel 3. Either use an fsync kernel or use PROTON_NO_ESYNC=1.
One issue noticed in the beginning town at the center. Green line running randomly from center piece out through bridge. Haven't noticed anything else yet.
Stuttering/Stability issues are now gone with 1.1 Update. Had to clear my mesa shader cache (rm -rf ~/.cache/mesa_shader_cache/) and now the game runs very smooth.
Still have ESYNC disabled, getting 80+ FPS (3840x1600) mostly maxed out settings
Game imported and granted all bonuses for previous game saved data. CS3 Cleared Data imported Without issues as well. (locations below)
Save Copy from Locations (note IDs Listed in string): ~/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/(538680|748490|991270)/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/Saved Games/FALCOM
Save Copy to Location: ~/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/1198090/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/Saved Games/Falcom
Works fine but with weird performance degradation in some places.
There are some wierd shadows that appear out of nowhere, it seems.
Sometimes performance drops from 90-120 fps down to about 30fps. Sometimes performance degradation is fixed by exiting and then re-entering an area.
Game freezes on exit, so you have to stop the game from the Steam library (or kill the processes.)
Still testing options, started experiencing crashes. Disabled ESYNC to fix, but still getting random hang ups/crashes but nothing in logs to suggest why
On 6.5-2 GE I did notice an odd green artifact in the initial village at the center. I haven't noticed any other oddities yet.
Crashes at random intervals even with ESYNC disabled, still troubleshooting and will post updates as I try fixes
Draw Distance at unlimited fixed some stuttering issues I had initially (I'm running at 3840x1600 Ultrawide with 6800XT, so may be unique to me).
Random Crashes (even after ESYNC Disable) may also be due to my 6800XT and support not being fully flushed out on Linux
Game imported and granted all bonuses for previous game saved data. CS3 Cleared Data imported Without issues as well. (locations below)
Save Copy from Locations (note IDs Listed in string):
~/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/(538680|748490|991270)/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/Saved Games/FALCOM
Save Copy to Location:
~/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/1198090/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/Saved Games/Falcom
Runs great.
I could not import savegames from previous games. (an ingame feature)
I have increased open file limit on my system.
There's no longer an issue with video-playing like past games, everything works out of the box. There's no tinkering required for this one.
After one hour, so far so good out of the box, there's some minor artifacts in far shadows both in proton 6.3-2 and 6.5-GE-2. The performance is reasonable considering my hardware, good experience overall.
If your card can handle it, set unlimited draw distance if you have odd stuttering here and there.
6.5-GE-2 GloriousEggroll
Ran at 80+ FPS with settings mostly maxed, but had stuttering issues. Tried all kinds of settings (and proton versions), but eventually changing draw distance to unlimited made it run fairly smoothly.
Running Linux-Zen so I don't have to disable ESYNC or anything like that (had those issues initially in ToCS III). GE 6.5-2 does have issues closing the game, have to force close when I'm done, but not affecting anything having to do that (not sure if the other proton versions did as well)
Cold Steel 4 has a feature where it can read data from Cold Steel 1, 2 and 3. However, Proton places the save files for each of them in a separate location. You can fix this by copying the save files. The locations to copy the save files to is: ~/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/compatdata/1198090/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/Saved Games/Falcom/ The addresses for the other save files are the same, except for the ID number after compatdata, which are the following: Cold Steel 1: 538680 Cold Steel 2: 748490 Cold Steel 3: 991270
The game crashed once during the intro. Like Trails of Cold Steel 3, this seems to be fixed with the launch option: PROTON_NO_ESYNC=1 %command% Also, when exiting the game from the main menu, it just freezes instead of exiting.
If you disable Esysnc, game doesn't crash when playing. However when exiting the game(from in-game option), it might crash, so when you need to quit just switch to steam & stop the game from library.
To load Cold Steel III clear save data copy it's save folder from /(steam library folder)/steamapps/compatdata/991270/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/Saved Games/Falcom/ed8_psv3
/(steam library folder)/steamapps/compatdata/1198090/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/Saved Games/Falcom/
Then start new game in Cold Steel IV & it will let you choose your clear save, though you might not see the thumbnail.