Works really well straight out of the box.
There were some choppiness in the opening cinematic. Other than that, only smooth sailing.
Launch options: PROTON_LOG=1 %command% -FastLaunch (otherwise will not start)
Graphical stutters and intermittent freezing.
Game will not work outside of cockpit mode. Automatically goes into active pause mode on any other camera, but can't be unpaused in any way.
It lags, stutters and freezes intermittently, multiplayer doesn't work and external cam doesn't work. It runs and plays but with performance issues and bugs.
Launch options: PROTON_LOG=1 %command% -FastLaunch (otherwise will not start)
Graphical stutters and intermittent freezing.
I previously had problems where the game got stuck in active pause on external cam. I don't have that problem anymore, though I have not changed anything since. Maybe a local problem.
The game suffers from stutters and microfreezes. Multiplayer doesn't work. For me it's not enjoyable to play this way.
Works great if you run the game using Proton 4.11-13 the first time to enable multiplayer, then switch to a later version of Proton.
At first multiplayer didn't work. Cleared the Steam prefix folder 275850, switched to Proton 4.11-13, then started the game which made multiplayer work. Then exited the game, switched to Proton 6.3-8 and started the game again. Everything works now.