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Could not acquire information for App ID: . This can happen if a game was removed from the store.gamemoderun %command%
Runs flawlessly
Great game, 0 crashes. Runs at about 3840x2160@~90FPS.
DXVK_ASYNC=1 gamemoderun %command%
Stuttering during camera movement, fixed with ge-proton and dxvk-async.
Whenever I'm in a terminal and use the arrow buttons left and right it counts them for several ticks. This happened all the time and with every new start of the game. Pretty annoying, but I survived.
Works better on Plasma Wayland than Sway
Close to perfection
Works great without any tinkering
Stopped to work recently (but in the past used to work perfectly!) , saying "No matching resolution for the display".
Build : dso 187/2416974 17:36 - Thu Dec 23 2021
Runs very smoothly. This game does require some good specs to play comfortably.
Sometimes the cursor in the game wasnt getting locked and I would simply scroll into the next monitor. Getting it to lock was a combination of different buttons being pressed to get it to react. I do not know if this also happens on windows.
Works great. Plays exactly like it does on windows.
gamemoderun %command%
Unplayable <20FPS with lowest settings
Sounds are working perfectly and online features as well. I had the same or similar experience as i had with WIndows.
The game is rather stable, and I've experienced no crashes. Everything is on max settings.
I can't hear, so cannot comment on sound.
Playing with a Xbox controller without any problems

Menu will open, but loading screen hangs.
The game installs and runs with any version of proton up to current (7.0-2 and experimental).
The menu loads, but when actually loading into the game the loading screen never finishes. So far I haven't been able to find a work-around.
Crashed due to running out of memory (OOM) when loading games, until I switched Vulkan ICD from amdvlk to vulkan-radeon
I had to put the text on high
Used proton GE instead of the one advised by steam.
Great experience so far, fps goes from 40ish to 55-60 depending on what you look at, or where you are.
Text size by default was too small for my convenience. Can't say yet about crashing as I did not had any in 1 to 2 hrs playtime.
Works perfectly and rock-solid with no tinkering or customizing at all.
Nothing more to say. For me, it just works.

Particularly during the lead up to a cutscene
During cutscenes and loading screens the game would crash more often then not
It worked all fine for me, but after I did a reinstall, this mf loads itself into my RAM and uses 60 GIGABYTES of RAM (and swap).
Uses a but ton of RAM
Idk what I did wrong, last time it worked just fine. I mean it's still playable after it consumed my RAM.
Death Stranding is a great game, I hope the classic version gets continuing support alongisde the Director's Cut
Note; Do not switch Proton version mid-game, it will wipe all your save files!
Froze at the first crematorium, a known bug with Proton & nVidia in DS
Tinering note; I ran the game first in W10 before switching to Linux. This seems to clear the "Access violation" error

Wont start. Resolution Error
Build : dso 187/2416974 17:36 - Thu Dec 23 2021
No matching resolution was selected for the display
- 0x0001417D2E58 ds, 0x417D2E58
- 0x0001423ED0C0 ds, 0x423ED0C0
- 0x0001423EA23E ds, 0x423EA23E
- 0x0001416A5749 ds, 0x416A5749
- 0x0001416A5ADA ds, 0x416A5ADA
- 0x0001416A5966 ds, 0x416A5966
- 0x000143717EF2 ds, 0x43717EF2
- 0x00007B62C919 kernel32, 0x7B62C919
- 0x000170060483 ntdll, 0x70060483
- 0x000000000000
- 0x000143717F64 ds, 0x43717F64
- 0x000067FF0000
- 0x000000000000

Some cinematics fell out of sync. Pausing and resuming syncs it back.
Some crashed from time to time. Auto saves is pretty frequent so nothing lost.
I own the game of Epic Game Store. I installed it with Heroic Launcher and imported it into steam as a non-steam game. Launched through Steam with the latest stable Proton available. It works well. In 15 hours, I had 10 crashes I'd say but auto-save is pretty often so nothing was lost. Sometimes during videos, audio fell out of sync but pausing and resuming fixes it. Playstation 5 controller works very well.
Stopped working today after I reinstalled the game. Same error with the new DSDC
Build : dso 187/2416974 17:36 - Thu Dec 23 2021
An Access Violation (C0000005h) has occurred in thread 'Main' at instruction location 00000001417DA896h
Base: 0x0000000140000000
CallStack : 4146268599
- 0x0001700578AE ntdll, 0x700578AE
- 0x0001417DA896 ds, 0x417DA896
- 0x0001416B36C5 ds, 0x416B36C5
- 0x000141763668 ds, 0x41763668
- 0x000141761FA0 ds, 0x41761FA0
- 0x00014174D035 ds, 0x4174D035
- 0x0001423ECF56 ds, 0x423ECF56
- 0x0001423EA23E ds, 0x423EA23E
- 0x0001416A5749 ds, 0x416A5749
- 0x0001416A5ADA ds, 0x416A5ADA
- 0x0001416A5966 ds, 0x416A5966
- 0x000143717EF2 ds, 0x43717EF2
- 0x00007B62C999 kernel32, 0x7B62C999
- 0x00017005F1E3 ntdll, 0x7005F1E3
- 0x000000000000
- 0x000143717F64 ds, 0x43717F64
- 0x000067FF0000
- 0x000000000000
RAX = 80070005 RBX = c9ed9610 RCX = 0 RDX = 0 RSI = 41e200 RDI = 41e1e0 R8 = 47f9d0 R9 = 0 R10 = 8 R11 = 246 R12 = 0 R13 = 43ef9630 R14 = 2 R15 = 41e260 RIP = 417da896 RSP = 41de60 RBP = 41df60 EFL = 10286
- 0x0001417D2E58 ds, 0x417D2E58
- 0x0001417D4D91 ds, 0x417D4D91
- 0x0001417D50A6 ds, 0x417D50A6
- 0x00017002580E ntdll, 0x7002580E
- 0x000170059CA5 ntdll, 0x70059CA5
- 0x0001700578AE ntdll, 0x700578AE
- 0x0001417DA896 ds, 0x417DA896
- 0x0001416B36C5 ds, 0x416B36C5
- 0x000141763668 ds, 0x41763668
- 0x000141761FA0 ds, 0x41761FA0
- 0x00014174D035 ds, 0x4174D035
- 0x0001423ECF56 ds, 0x423ECF56
- 0x0001423EA23E ds, 0x423EA23E
- 0x0001416A5749 ds, 0x416A5749
- 0x0001416A5ADA ds, 0x416A5ADA
- 0x0001416A5966 ds, 0x416A5966
- 0x000143717EF2 ds, 0x43717EF2
- 0x00007B62C999 kernel32, 0x7B62C999
- 0x00017005F1E3 ntdll, 0x7005F1E3
- 0x000000000000
- 0x000143717F64 ds, 0x43717F64
- 0x000067FF0000
- 0x000000000000
gamemoderun mangohud %command%
Xbox ctrl worked correctly; PS4 Dualshock not mapped correctly.
Anything above 6.3-8 doesn't launch the game (instant crash on loading screen)
Failed to Launch
The game starts a black window, but after a short time, I get an error window. The error is a windows-style window with callstack info. Not very clear on how to resolve yet.
This is likely useless info but just incase, here's the error.txt contents:
Build : dso 187/2416974 17:36 - Thu Dec 23 2021
An Access Violation (C0000005h) has occurred in thread 'Worker 3' at instruction location 000000014352E02Ah
Base: 0x0000000140000000
CallStack : 732158735
- 0x0001700578BE ntdll, 0x700578BE
- 0x00014352E02A ds, 0x4352E02A
- 0x00014176FF73 ds, 0x4176FF73
- 0x0001423DF8C3 ds, 0x423DF8C3
- 0x0001417C3934 ds, 0x417C3934
- 0x0001417C3A2D ds, 0x417C3A2D
- 0x0001417C4A5B ds, 0x417C4A5B
- 0x0001417BFD8D ds, 0x417BFD8D
- 0x00007B62C9E9 kernel32, 0x7B62C9E9
- 0x00017005EB27 ntdll, 0x7005EB27
- 0x000000000000
- 0x000000000000
- 0x000000000000
- 0x000000000000
RAX = 80004002 RBX = 2 RCX = 0 RDX = 906d7daf RSI = 2fb70500 RDI = 0 R8 = eff2f09f R9 = 3af300ca R10 = 3c1689bd R11 = 23e0709f R12 = 2fb70540 R13 = 2 R14 = 2 R15 = 1 RIP = 4352e02a RSP = 421fc00 RBP = 421fcc0 EFL = 10202
- 0x0001417D2E58 ds, 0x417D2E58
- 0x0001417D4D91 ds, 0x417D4D91
- 0x0001417D50A6 ds, 0x417D50A6
- 0x00017002580E ntdll, 0x7002580E
- 0x000170059CB5 ntdll, 0x70059CB5
- 0x0001700578BE ntdll, 0x700578BE
- 0x00014352E02A ds, 0x4352E02A
- 0x00014176FF73 ds, 0x4176FF73
- 0x0001423DF8C3 ds, 0x423DF8C3
- 0x0001417C3934 ds, 0x417C3934
- 0x0001417C3A2D ds, 0x417C3A2D
- 0x0001417C4A5B ds, 0x417C4A5B
- 0x0001417BFD8D ds, 0x417BFD8D
- 0x00007B62C9E9 kernel32, 0x7B62C9E9
- 0x00017005EB27 ntdll, 0x7005EB27
- 0x000000000000
- 0x000000000000
- 0x000000000000
- 0x000000000000
PROTON_ENABLE_NVAPI=1 gamemoderun MANGOHUD=1 %command%
Самый стабильный драйвер nvidia на данный момент это 470.103.01 , только на нём у меня все игры работают достаточно стабильно и без вылетов. Так же обязательно добавьте в пареметры запуска PROTON_ENABLE_NVAPI=1 %command% , если у вас видеокарта от nvidia , так вы избежите ошибок при загрузке игры.
Damn near perfect. Looks great, Plays fine. Input issues didn't detract from the game much at all.
gamemoderun mangohud %command%
Less the games config files but Wines. The game failed to capture the cursor so it'd constantly go off to my other screen. Using the environment variable to select the games prefix and using winecfg to change the settings I fixed the issue.
Left, Middle and Right Clicking would launch my camera in a random direction.
Doesn't launch on proton bleeding edge experimental, first port of call to get it working is use GE

Fails to start
Always get an error about the game needing to be ran on Windows 10... I've tried GE, the latest proton (7.0.1 at time of writing)all to no avail.
Full play-through with a DS3 controller
It crashed to desktop roughly every 5 to 7 hours.
Game process stalled while loading exactly one time: it happend after one of the cutscenes early on in the game.
After playing for 30 Minutes or so game loses connection to the controller and inputs no longer work. Sometimes changing the layout fixes it but the majority of time it requires a restart.
Putting the SD into sleep mode & opening the game back up has a tendency to make the controls unresponsive.
game runs at extreamly slow framerate for the first minute or so (sarting as soon as it opens covering the logos and main menu) but then speeds up to expected framerate.
the game fails to start with no error message if using most reacent version of proton (at time of wrighting)
Proton 6.3-8, game works perfectly "out of the box" on max settings with zero tinkering. Solid 60FPS.
Works great though I had to run a command in the terminal before starting it otherwise I'd get a DirectX error or something similar.
In order to get DLSS working and even get it to launch in general I had to use the launch options PROTON_ENABLE_NVAPI=1 %command% and run the command "sudo nvidia-modprobe -u -c=0" in my terminal before I launch it, this has to be run every time I restart or turn back on my computer, not the end of the world but less than perfect. Other than that the game runs great at max graphics settings in tandem with vsync and with DLSS on and set to quality, no slowdowns or anything.
DLSS works but only through enabling nvapi via dxvk.conf or launch options. Enabling dxr launch option causes crash to desktop.
Consistent Crash when attempting to use DLSS
Absolutely flawless out of the box
Long load screen time, but otherwise flawless. No stuttering, absolutely great and stable framerate, rock solid with no crashing.
PROTON_ENABLE_NVAPI=1 VKD3D_CONFIG=dxr %command% -dx12
Had a hard crash at the end of the prologue(seems like this is a rather common occurrence even on Win PCs). Solved this by using switching to Proton 6.3-8. Might not be a problem for everyone BTW, as it might be hardware-specific.
Game stuck at 23% or 24% and crashes after a 5min wait.

Game uses more than 60(32 RAM + ~28 GB SWAP) GB of RAM and than crash after playing for 5-10 minutes cause system out of RAM