Stutter below 30fps
The game is highly CPU bound. To reduce stuttering it is hightly recommended to set GPU clock manually to somewhere between 800 MHz and 1200 MHz (down from the max 1600 MHz). If the GPU clock is left on auto the Deck often does not allocate enough power to the CPU leading to very low FPS depending on the scenarios (way lower than 30 FPS). Lower value gives move stable FPS while higher value gives better graphics fidelity. Enable dynamic resolution scaling and target 30 FPS with minimum 66 resolution scale. Make sure to use Deck's frame rate limiter to 30 FPS and not the in-game frame rate limiter as the former gives more stable frametimes.
Remove EAC folder, rename exe, and replace dll
High chance of soft locking when entering main menu from launch, also when creating lobby for singleplayer (multiplayer doesn't work due to EAC)
The game crash on launch with the latest vkd3d. Use older version of Proton (such as 7.0-4) to fix this.
Follow steps here https://github.com/ValveSoftware/Proton/issues/3042#issuecomment-1046904681 and use Proton 7.0-4 to get singleplayer to work.
Fix game launching in tiny resolution on Steam Deck: Properties... > General > Game Resolution > Set to 1280x800 + Set resolution for internal and external display
Change Controller Layout to Gamepad with Joystick Trackpad
FMVs won't play. Even with Proton GE only video will play but without audio. Reencode wmv files in movie folder to webm then rename them to take place of the orignial files to fix this.
Unoptimized and heavy on CPU. Eats battery heavily. Applies to both native and WIndows version via Proton.
Need to replug headphone after launch to get audio to play
Only native version works. If you don't have the game on steam then the game just crash on start with proton/wine