Works great out of the box, no tweaking needed.
Controller detection is iffy but re-launching can usually fix it.
I would suggest locking framerate at 50/100 due to an engine bug that affects input in the game on all platforms when playing at frame rates that are not in multiples of 50.
gamemoderun %command%
As stated by others devs are considering using FACEIT anticheat on official servers, but for now EAC is used on all servers and the game runs perfect "out of the box".
Startup video is a white screen, pressing space bar skips it.
Unreal Engine Crashing.
Crashes on startup from launcher.
Runs nearly perfect besides the FPS drops in huge fights, but that's expected regardless of hardware or operating system in this game.
WINEDLLOVERRIDES=libglesv2=d PROTON_NO_FSYNC=1 gamemoderun %command% --disable-gpu
custom ini for font, visibility and gfx preferences
Struggles in 96+ fights, stays locked at 120 fps anything smaller
Booted and plays smooth right off the rip!
No tinkering or proton changes required to play, this game has been a long time coming so I hope the game remains playable this well long into the future.