The game runs on regular Proton, however the videos will be broken. The gameplay is fine. Use GE to fix the videos, no other tinkering required on Deck.
Decent, but poorly optimized
Limited TDP to 6-7 watts
Barely scrapes by at 30 FPS, and dropping TDP/GPU clock did not change this
Runs just okay on Deck, but it is playable.
Fantastic OOTB Deck Game
Runs beautifully with the default settings and a few things turned up, getting around 2.5-3 hours of playtime on a full charge.
In-game cutscenes have no SFX/VO but have music
Plays very well in-game, and with captions on you can theoretically get the entire story even without video cutscene voices. Not reccommended because P5S is a very story-heavy game though.
Great Deck Experience
Capped to 30 FPS.
Slight hitching on SD card when things load in, fixed by playing on internal SSD.
Works out of the box with some in-game settings turned up from their defaults. Choose Ultra texture quality if it is not the default. Reccommended to play on internal SSD plus limit to 30 FPS to keep frametimes stable and battery life longer, I got around 35-45 FPS with no limiter.
Should be Deck Verified
No lag with rollback netcode on Wi-Fi.
Plays like native, did not encounter the screen size bug either.
Changed .ini resolution down to 960 x 600 for FSR.
30 FPS cap.
UI scaling helped but bugged out in some instances.
No native controller support, buttons must be mapped to keyboard/mouse emulation.
All settings defaulted to Ultra and got 25 FPS at the menu, changed to mostly Medium and it was still struggling. This will not run well by the time a modest factory is set up.
This struggles to run on the Deck, the UI is too small for the screen, and worst of all there is no native controller support. Not reccommended at all but technically playable if you bear with it.
Should be Deck Verified
Works great out of the box, hits 60 FPS at all times with great battery life too.