PROTON_LOG=1 %command%
Install the game in your home directory, otherwise it won't going to work!

Had to test different proton versions before I found one that worked. Experemental, 9.0-2, 8.0-5, and 7.0-6 did not successfully launch the game at time of report. Stopped testing after I found that 6.3-8 launched. Works exactly like it did on windows after I got it to boot up (of course, with some development changes as it's still in early access, but nothing from Linux)
The game demands a true 16:9 screen. Setting a custom resolution of 1920x1080 to get pixels properly scaled with the Pixel Perfect option does not work. Using a custom 1280x720 does not trick the game that you're using a 16:9 screen either and gives you black bars unless you use the Stretch/Fit option which ruins the pixel scaling. Using Nearest for scaling in the Quick Access menu above 1280x800 does work and clean things up but pixels are still not scaled properly.
The DPAD has a ton of input delay and using the Analog Stick to navigate is mandatory.
The game was somehow forced to be capped at 30FPS on the Deck regardless of what you do which is not the case on a Windows PC for example. The game barely scrapes the hardware and manages to drop below 30FPS constantly.
Constant frame drops below 30
Set up required very little tinkering. Pick up and play would be perfect, only necessary change is aspect ratio.
Would recommend setting TDP in quick settings to 6 or 7. However, for some reason the battery still drains pretty quickly with this game in particular. Temp is running less than 70° so no issues there. Game is still in Early Access at time of review so could be an optimisation issue.
Would recommend changing from "Pixel Perfect" to "Stretch" on Steam Deck. Otherwise, vast majority of the screen is taken up with black bars.
Game is designed with a 30fps cap which is perfect given the pixel art style. However, frame rate dips as low as 18 during some loading screens, and between 20 and 25 during regular gameplay. Would recommend setting a 50Hz limit through the Quick Access menu, and a frame rate cap of 25. Definitely improved the overall experience.
Game is early access so some bugs to be expected. Anything reported is fixed within the next update but nothing game breaking. Only bugs I've experienced so far have been with some character models disappearing for a second or two here and there. Very limited.
Have had an excellent time with this title so far. Devs are super responsive, can't wait to see the full release.
Only negatives have been the battery life issue mentioned previously. Have ruled out my own Deck being the issue. Same with occasional Fps drops. This does not significantly affect the overall enjoyment factor.
I recommend changing the graphics option from Pixel Perfect to stretch, or the game won't be very legible on a Steam Deck
30FPS Cap. The game is programmed to run at 30FPS in-game anyways.
Caches shaders so expect the game to stutter from time to time.
Press the Gear icon on the right side of the Play button - Properties - General - Game Resolution 1920x1080 and tick the "Set resolution for internal and external display". Once in game go to Settings - Video and choose 1920x1080 as the resolution and choose Pixel Perfect rather than Stretched. This way most of the screen will be covered as this is a 16:9 aspect ratio instead of a 16:10 that the Steam Deck uses BUT at least you will have pixel perfect graphics on your entire screen.

Limited TDP to 6-7 watts
Barely scrapes by at 30 FPS, and dropping TDP/GPU clock did not change this
Runs just okay on Deck, but it is playable.
PS4 controller not detected.
This game works well, but it is made with a controller in mind. You can only use keyboard, no mouse.

Except some small problems, game was playable.
Keyboard was not working, had to use a controller.
Saving was not working in the demo, but it may be intentional.
Tested on the demo version.