most straight arch linux user
Blocked by EAC.
You're better off playing something else anyway. EA/Respawn decided to block the game via EAC for Linux users using the same handbook Epic uses - "They use linux they must be cheating!!!!" If youre for some reason insistent on playing a game as mismanaged as Apex - GeForceNow does support it.
gamemoderun %command% -USEALLAVAILABLECORES
White border in borderless full screen.
Only notable issue is the white border when in borderless window. Other than this no issue so far in 1 hour of gameplay.
%command% -d3d12
Occasional choppiness in certain busy areas, presumably due to engine
Presumably at fault of UE, however once the game is forced to run under Direct 12, it runs fine, albeit with frame drops in busy areas.
gamemoderun %command%
No real issue really. Runs perfectly fine.
Game has a tendancy of locking up the OS under extreme load (i.e heavily modded)
Game launches on all versions of Proton, however all assets failed to load. Using the scout runtime caused everything to load successfully, however at times the game can lock up the entire OS when using over 50 mods.
Borderless Window crashes the game in match