Runs fine out of the box, no tinkering needed
No tinkering, runs fine under proton 9.0-2
Occasional crashes when runing with default settings from Steam. Switch to GE-Proton9-22 fixed the problem
snap not working
Game runs fine as long as you download steam from their webpage and run the lastes version. Game would not run with snap version of Steam.
Game works well. Multimon needs mouse bound to main monitor using gamescope to say within game boundry.
gamescope -W 3440 -H 1440 -e -f --force-grab-cursor %command%
Windowed mode leaves the gnome top bar visable. Fullscreen works like Windowed borderless
If have multiple monitors, mouse will move outside the main monitor. Fixed the issue with gamescopes --force-grab-cursor. See launch options.
Game runs well, no issues. Players with multiple monitors should use gamescope's force-grab-cursor to keep mouse on main monitor while playing. Run the game in fullscreen to get rid of the Gnome top bar while playing.
Game stutters a lot. Need to use proton 7.0-6 to get past TOS
Game crashes when you try to join server for the first time. It is supposed to display a TOS window, but crashes. Switching to proton 7.0-6 will show the windows and buttons (accept and decline), but no text. It allows you to get futher. The game stutters a lot and has bad performance. Switching back to proton expermineltal improves the performance a lot, but it is still not good.
Game is playable, but performance is significantly degraded
gamemoderun %command%
some miner texure issues, but nothing that bothers me. Just see it every now and then. Not sure if this is a game issue or Linux issue to be honest.
Sometimes the mouse end up on my second monitor. This happens usually after alt+tabing to second monitor. Solution is to open the menu and close it again.
Game runs great. I use DirectX 12. I can see som minor texture bugs occasionally. This does not really bother me. Unsure if this is an issue with the game or just a Linux issue. Anyway, game runs fine.
env -u SDL_VIDEODRIVER mangohud gamescope -W 3440 -H 1440 -e -f --force-grab-cursor %command% -d3d11
No issues after tinkering, game runs like nativly. You will not be showen as online when playing on xbox companion, however you can join games and get invites.
Runs flawlessly
Install and run. You don't need to choose a proton engine, just use default steam settings